What is it about the holidays that causes everyone to shine or to hide? It is all about perception . What meaning you choose to apply to the season. It is common to us all to want to celebrate and to lift up something greater than ourselves. Being thankful for Life and the things we have been given.
Celebrating new beginnings, Celebrating the birth of our Savior. With all of the hustle and festivity's many get excited and full of joy and hope for the future. For those who detach it becomes extremely difficult to hold up your head and smile as though everything in Life is all well. I have learned that nothing in Life has meaning or significance unless we attach meaning to it.
The weight that is placed upon our shoulders when we carry the negative results of our thinking holds us down to the point that it can even become a labor to breath. Putting things into perspective knowing that this to will pass, and that you can choose to rise from the pit and be happy, is enough to give you the boost you need. Giving Life meaning such as focusing on others and their needs gives purpose and you feel a since of joy in your self. Listening to music can lift you up. Perhaps listing what and who you are thankful for, Looking at Life from the abundance and not the Lack. Refuse to look at Life as though things have been taken from you .
Look at it as Life is always changing and you where given the chance to experience it. Make room for new things. Let go of those people and things that bind you up. Thank them for what they have taught you and release them. It is my wish for you that this holiday season you find someone , somewhere and bless them with your time . Give them a piece of yourself that no one else can give. Pray and seek the Lord's face for this is where all meaning comes from. Love and allow others to Love you in return. Open up your heart to God , read his word about how much he Loves you . Blessings to you this season. Serve , Serve , Serve, there are so many people and places that need your help seek and ye shall find. Ask and the door shall be open. On this day I lay before you Life and death, the blessings and the curse, choose Life.
Choose Life