Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Magic Of Love

Shade Vegetables

Beautiful Addition

This is on my to-do list. What a beautiful addition to your kitchen. Growing your own food, is the right way to ensure we are eating healthy, and pure products. The more I learn about growing and living from a simplistic point of view the more I feel connected to life.


Now there was a certain man

John2-3:1-3 -( 1) Now there was a certain man among the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler ( a leader, an authority ) among the Jews.

 (2) Who came to Jesus at night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know and are certain that , You have come from God( as ) a teacher; for no one can do these signs ( these Wonderworks ), miracles- and produce the proofs ) that You do unless God is with him.

 (3) Jesus answered him, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that unless a person is born again ( anew, from above ) , he cannot ever see ( know, be acquainted with, and experience ) the kingdom of God. 

On this day I Choose Life by excepting the gift of eternal Salvation from my Heavenly Father, through  His son Jesus Christ.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Natural and beautiful the way God made it.

Frozen herb cubes

Cut up some herbs , add a touch of olive oil, I often use lemon infused, and freeze. Take directly from the freezer and drop into your recipe.. Great way to use fresh herbs.

Magnesium Foods

Look ahead not behind

We all fall easily back into our default programs that were a significant part of our lives for years. To allow God time to renew our minds by getting to know His character, His attributes will give you a since of guidance. 

Would you walk away from something as wonderful as a human life if you created it. The creation is only one part of the process. The forming of your character takes a life time. The results will dramatically bring change , and you will be able to see the beauty created out of brokeness. Look up my friend, and keep looking up, focus your eyes on the one who gives you life and walk in that power. Today is a new day, on this day we choose life , we choose the blessing. Your life in Christ is eternal and that my friend is worth refocusing, and rising up to the next step. Today I Choose Life by never ever giving up . 

Thursday, June 27, 2013


A broken and contrite spirit is precious in the sight of the Lord. Not because he enjoys our suffering but because He rejoyces with us when we come to the end of ourselves and give over our spirit to the one who gave it to us to start with. When we realize our need for God the true life begins.

Hard Times

Discard everything that that deny;s your destiny.

 If it is hard it is because you have not found that place where it is well with your soul. That place where everything serves you as a stepping stone to spiritual advancement.

 That place where you rest and have peace of mind knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.

Today I Choose Life by holding fast to the truth that all of life is good , despite how I feel, or what others may tell me.



In the thick of emotions over troubling circumstances many will react in a way that cost them and others for a long time. 

I heard a word today that said 


Making a move on something that will be gone tomorrow is not the way to move forward, often the best way to move forward is to stand and do nothing.

There is always a way that leads to life, but we must use wisdom to know how to get there.

Today I Choose Life by not being moved by things that are temporary, things that will not matter tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Whats that Box?

At one point in time this invention was so exciting. ah to be home watching families on a tube that surely where just like us. Why if I watch how they interact perhaps I will learn a thing or to and life will be good. 

Fast forward 50 years and wham, we have drones programmed for self destruction.

The only way out of this prison we have willingly walked into is to renew our minds with what the word of God says about who we are , who God is and our purpose in life. 

I Choose Life today by renewing my mind.

Aaahh, How sweet

I just long for days when people dressed like this and life was simple and everyone knew what the difference was between right and wrong.

Work was often play and valued for it's character building abilities.

The Spirit of God was evident in families and communities, and people where happier and committed to help one another. 

Today I Choose Life by seeking the kingdom of God in all I do.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Raised Beds

Zip It

Somewhere there has to be a market for mouth zippers.

  Guarding my mouth is an intentional act. One that requires me making a choice.

 We are so quick to judge, and even quicker to give advice, but I have come to believe that the answers to our problems lie within us.

 If you want to help, ask a question that leads the troubled soul to search his heart and soul. His journey is not yours.

 Remember your mother telling you if you have nothing nice to say do not say anything at all. 

If all else fails and your mouth governs your will, Zip it.

Dear God

Say Hello To My Little Friend

These little guys can bite, and are smelly when crushed , but they serve a purpose to the one growing a crop. The ladybug eats  aphids , these are the culprits that eat away at your plants. 

Say Hello to my little friends.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Made In His Image

Our God is an awesome God and you and I where made in His image. That image reflects His character to us. Character is something that is shaped and formed through our daily walk. 

Some people define success with isolated achievements, success relates to being accomplished as a total person and attaining a lifestyle that benefits not only the individual person, but everyone around them.

When our daily walk produces the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22 - But the fruit of the (Holy Spirit)  ( the work that His presence within you accomplishes) is love, joy, peace, patience,kindness, goodness, and faithfulness, gentleness, ( meekness, humility) ,and self-control.

Galatians 5:24 - And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires. 

Galatians 5:25 - If we live by the Holy Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. ( If by the Holy Spirit we have our life in God, let us go forward walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.

Galatians 5:26 - Let us not become vainglorious and self- conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another.

This is a blue print for living a life that is fruitful to all. Today I Choose Life by aligning my Spirit with the Image of God.

Wellspring Of Wisdom.

When a man chooses his words wisely, and knows when to speak, and with the appropriate tone his wisdom will cause a wellspring of life that flows like a river.

Today I Choose Life by Choosing to speak only words that will edify, encourage, and inspire others.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I Will Not Be Moved

I love this song about standing on a solid rock called Christ. I will not be moved this my friends is something we must instill into our minds daily as we deal with our daily walk.
 Be encouraged .

A Merry Heart

The weight of a broken spirit will rob you of all hope and joy. 

Problems can keep us in a locked place until we choose to allow them to be a motivation for growth . At this level of understanding you can release the pain, and frustration and choose to use the problem as a stepping stone to greatness. 

A Merry Heart is formed and shaped by choice. 

Today I Choose Life by choosing my faith in who Christ is and because of what He has done I have a Merry Heart.

Pray For One Another.

There is so much power released into the atmosphere when two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus.

The Word of God teaches us not to forsake the gathering of the breathern, and I believe that  one reason is we need one another. 

Having people in our lives that have the faith to believe for and with us, strengthens our resolve to keep moving forward with life, despite circumstances. 

Praying God's word out into the air, insures a fruitful end for the Word of God promises that His Word goes out and accomplishes everything he designed it to

Today I Choose Life by praying with others for the highest purpose for their lives. .

Friday, June 21, 2013

Source Of Happiness

This is the one and only true purpose in Life.  



God is an expert when it comes to bringing order out of chaos. 

He loves restoring the brokeness of our lives and making something beautiful .

The first step in the restoration is to assess where you are . Take an inventory of what you have created and hand it over to God.

A Masterpiece, is a life created in the image of it's Creator. The Master.

Today I Choose Life by giving over all the broken pieces of my life to the Master.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Good Life

I remember learning this lesson early in my apprenticeship , (NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING). Always get the facts before making a move. 

I was taught right from the start about working habits. I had a steady job when I was 12 years old and still have not lost that work ethic.

Learning to be content with whatever you have is a blessing. Striving for more is an insatiable appetite that is never satisfied.

Dreaming Big says no one puts limitations on me. 

Laughter is the ability to let go .

Gratitude in the morning hours sets us up for success, for we are never looking at life from a state of lack. Today I Choose Life by standing on these principles.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


So whatever form of dance you choose , if it lines up with the principles you believe in , dance has the power to bring change.

I love to dance it puts a smile on my face.

A Soft Answer

This one can trip a person up if they are focused on getting what they want verses having an open mind to listen, and being willing to let go of your agenda in order for all involved to benefit.

In the heat of a moment when emotions are running high , the wise person will step back and listen without any aggression. Listen with the intent to understand the other person. 

When the anger has declined you can respond with compassion, and seek to find a way to be helpful rather than adding to the problem.

Remember that force is an energy that can only produce counter force and resistance. Your goal is to get results that support everyone. Showing genuine concern, and compassion allows room for the angered person to drop their defenses and become open to listen to solutions.

Today I Choose Life by being aware that at any given moment I can be the change in someone else's life that is needed for moving things forward in a more positive and productive way.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Oh how wonderful this is.

1 Hour Instrumental Music

1 Hour of Christian Instrumental Music

Beautiful, peaceful, inspiring.


Today I Choose Life by resting in worship.

You say--- God Says

Self talk usually comes from listening to others opinions. How we view ourselves will limit or propel us in life. Since God is the creator of all I choose to listen to what He has to say about me. Knowing His great purpose for my life is to walk in His image I can rest in what He has to say about me , knowing that it will prosper me and not bring harm. Today I Choose Life by Listening to my Heavenly Father pour His loving words over me. 

The Need

Our God is a just and fair God, He is the same today as He was yesterday, and tomorrow. The need in our country is one of Humility before a sovereign God seeking forgiveness, and asking for wisdom to lead a life worthy of the one who gave life to us . Father of Heaven and Earth we beseech you to look upon a fallen Nation with favor , forgiveness and much needed grace. Move upon your people Lord to stand on the Word of God and live a life pleasing to you. 

Round and Round you go.

Haven't you heard about going around the same mountain over and over again? An unexamined life is bound to repeat the same mistakes. Complaining about our circumstance will only cause us to remain in the same place. Being thankful for the opportunity to grow and learn will catapult us into the next level of enlightenment.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Heavy hearts are focused on the lack, the things we perceive as missing in Life, Today I pray that your Spirit is alive with the hope of new beginnings .

Whatever the need believe and you shall receive. I am asking for the grace and mercy of God to rest upon this world and that every soul awakens to the wisdom and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

I believe in you and I believe you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

Today I Choose Life by believing in you and knowing that if you seek God you will find Him.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Weed Seed

Man do I know some people who fit that description. This type of person will make most others crazy, but I think without people in our lives that choose to be different we would never grow.

Necessities of Life

Ok this may make you smile, but there is a powerful message for us all. The bare necessities of life

Thursday, June 13, 2013



You really do not want anything out of God's timing because acquiring anything with out the character and ability to use it wisely , will become a stumbling block to you and to others .Waiting on God to form and shape you into His image, is what God values more than what you can do for Him. 

I might be able to accomplish many things in the name of the Lord, but if I lack in Godly wisdom and character, I fall short of all that the Lord has for me. 

It is easy to become discouraged when things take longer than we would like , but God sees more than you and I and He knows what is best for us. 

Rest in Him knowing that He is in control, and when the time is right He will lift you up .

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Force or principle

Pagan Unity is held together by external force and intimidation. 

Christian Unity is held together by unity of purpose and principles.

Anything held together by force creates resistance and counterforce. 

True Unity will come when everyone chooses to agree on the principles that create and sustain the quality of life.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Prayer for encouragement

I love Joyce Myers, and her prayer today is on encouragement. Be blessed

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Would you like to fly in my beautiful balloon?

Oh my goodness, this is so fun, remember the simpler times.


Isaiah 60:1 - Arise ( from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you- rise to a new life )! Shine ( be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

I would like you to agree with me in prayer.

Tonight my heart is heavy, for two people who are struggling and have reached the end of their rope. I pray for the God that I serve to be there for them tonight. Father make yourself known to them and help them like only you can do. Lord I have waited upon you and I place these two people into your hands, and I ask with expectation to receive from you on their behalf for your glory. In Jesus name I pray, so be it and Amen.

I willingly allow others to control me to meet my needs.

We are all drawn to, beauty. Beauty captivates us, it causes us to dream about things and life at a different level. 

Today it came to my mind that there are people trapped in a cycle that holds them captive, because they are drawn to others or to things . This desire is to meet a human need, and many will go to great extreme to get their human needs met. Often compromising their basic principles of life.

I have witnessed people who are obsessed with another person, and they are like puppets on a string. These people have no self-control and are manipulated and controlled  like mindless robots.

Some of those people are well aware of their weakness and just give in to it. These people compromise relationships with friends and families. They walk away from responsibilities , and put others in awkward positions. I think at some point if you are guilty of this behavior, you should not be surprised when others walk away from you. It is not because they do not care about you , rather they realize that your choices cost them more than they are willing to pay. For the one  being controlled by another, you must realize this is out of balance and for a believer in Christ we are called to be in control of ourselves under the headship of the Lord.

You can spend your entire life doing good , and because you refuse to let go of one area in your life , you can cancel out the effect you have had on the world for good, because people seem to focus on weakness more than on, strength.

I have to wonder what spirit is behind this behavior ? Are we so weak in our need for love, that we are willing to be pushed around, manipulated and controlled by someone else. 

Perhaps we could examine our hearts and admit that we want what is happening and are not willing to let go. 
Today I Choose life by surrendering my needs to God and allowing no man to control or manipulate me.

The Sound Of Rain

The sound of rain is so comforting to me. Not only does it bring life to all living things , but it creates an atmosphere that relaxes us. I enjoy listening to the rain. This is for your pleasure, and I hope in listening you hear the voice of God.

Play this when you are at home alone and right down what comes to mind. Take some time and see what happens. I found myself smiling and laughing out loud. 
Today I Choose Life by listening to the rain

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I remember choosing this song to play at my mothers funeral. It seemed so appropriate to share with family and friends. I often do things to plant a seed in the heart of others, and I trust God to water the seed and bring forth fruit in their lives. 

I Choose Life today by sharing this song that perhaps will bring you peace of mind. That is my prayer for you. 

Recommended Read

Once in awhile I like to share wonderful books that I feel have great value with all of you. Today that book is-

If It Takes A Village, Build It.

Author- Malaak Compton-Rock

This book is packed full of inspiration and valuable ways to give back to your community. 

Finding yourself by serving others is a fundamental principle covered in this excellent resourceful book.

This book offers practical advice on how to find the right volunteer opportunities, to how to get your kids involved in a life of service, how to research a charity, advocate for a cause, and how to start a non-profit.

I Choose Life today by sharing this guide to giving to life through service of others.

See I have given you every plant yielding seed.

Genesis 1: 29 - And God said, See. I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in it's fruit; you shall have them for food.

1 Corinthians 6:12 - Everything is permissible ( allowable and lawful ) for me but not all things are helpful ( good for me to do, expedient and profitable when considered with other things). Everything is lawful for me, but I will not become the slave of anything or be brought under it's power. 

Once again eating a well balanced diet, given to us by God , things that have not been processed and depleted or changed so the nutritional value is diminished. Being controlled by anything is out of balance and out of the will of God.

Today I Choose Life by sticking as close to the foundation of pure clean eating.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Out Of His Perfect Will

Thankful for so many things today, but the one that stands out to me is the fact that God has a way of blessing things even when they are out of His perfect will.

There is a way that seems right to man that leads to death and destruction, and that path is one that we all have walked at one time or another in our lives. 

Repentance is turning around and going in the other direction and somehow the Lord makes away where there seems to be no way.

This does not mean He fixes everything for we still reap what we sew, but He makes away for new beginnings and restoration. There is hope in His ways ,and life starts fresh and new.

Today I Choose Life by being aware of how great my God is and by being thankful for all things.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Don't you find it interesting all the ways we can obtain nutrients, and we usually go for the store bought, altered foods. Lazy and, slothful living , will always cost you more in the long run. This is healthy and worth the effort. I choose life today by trying new nut milks.