There are things in this world that must be a small representation of heaven. I cry when I hear this and I laugh and I sing, and I dance. Truly a joyful noise.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Bridge Over troubled waters
Not all waters are troubled and turbulent , but having a friend to stand with us through good and bad is a gift. A gift usually requiring you to be a friend in order to have a friend. Time spent investing in that relationship builds a bridge for when the waters start to get rough.
One Thing I Ask

Psalm 27:4 - One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for,and ( insistently ) require; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord ( in His presence) all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty ( the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness ) of the Lord and to meditate , consider, and inquire in His temple.
Psalm 27: 5 - For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter, in the secret place of His tent, will He hide me; He will set me high upon a rock.
Psalm 27: 6 - And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me; in His tent I will offer sacrifices and shouting of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.
A Sacred Sound
This picture speaks of a Sacred Sound, Eloquence and Harmony, it is Lustrous, it plays a symphony of Grandeur. Delightful, and Tantalizing to the senses.
The Sacred Sound is exuberant calling out to any that will take the time to listen.
Things that you do not know, things that you can not understand. secrets of the most high God .
A watchful eye seeking for the one who will look up and see with their heart that I am what you have been searching for.
Come sit in my sacred place, listen to the sacred sound, delight yourself in my presence.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Find your answer in your dreams
I remember someone telling me that if I wanted answers to ask specific questions before I fell asleep . I tried this in earnest, and I got my answer. May all your questions be answered in your dreams.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Let it grow
I have become very aware of people who operate under the presumed assumption that every one should automatically no what your life principles are. Unspoken principles are easily broken.
I experienced the wrath of a friend who let me know in no uncertain terms that I broke one of their principles, and they wanted me to pay the price.
This was a long time ago and I recently spoke with them and listened to their thoughts and beliefs and found myself resisting when it came to receiving from them. I prayed about this and wondered why I could not take them seriously. The answer came to me today, and I realized that their words were inconsistent to reality. In other words, the principle they stood on was only relevant when it directly affected them. If someone else did what I did it would not have mattered .
In order for a principle to be effective it must be used consistently across the board wether it cost you something or not.
Today I Choose Life by Choosing to hold my ground where my principles are concerned in order to build trust with others and see positive life change in the world.
How Does Failure Define You?
Failure is a title used to describe results. Results that either get you where you intended or they don't.
If they don't self adjust.
Why place a title over yourself or your circumstance that limits your potential to move forward.
Failure is like creating a recipe that has unwanted or un-needed ingredients so we strip away the inessentials and keep the good stuff.
Today I Choose Life by allowing failure to be a necessary part of the growing and creative process. It is neither good or bad, it is just a matter of whether I need it or I don't.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
This is a harsh reality, a hard pill to swallow. The one thing that comes to mind is that since what we do produces results we better be well aware of what we believe and where we are headed.
Love Always
Sometimes truth hurts us and our families and sometimes it cost us something. Often truth requires change.
When your truth and reality has been broken you must remember that love does not abuse verbally the one you love. Stepping away to evaluate the circumstance and choosing to recall all the good and right things about the person will give you time to settle and allow wisdom to take her place.
Trusting should be freely given unless that trust has been broken. Even then you must consider everything that went into that situation. There are always reasons for our behavior.
Remember our behavior can be bad, but that does not mean the person is bad . We give grace to others so we have room for growth . Hope allows room for forgiveness, and gives new beginnings a place to start. Persevering is never giving up on others because when we give up on them we really give up on ourselves.
Learn from the circumstance , use it as a stepping stone strengthen the relationship rather than tearing it down. Putting a Title such as love over all your relationships and defining what that looks like keeps you in a safety net where anything else just is not an option. We can rejoice in, truth even when it hurts us because dealing with reality is the first step to moving forward.
Today I Choose Life by Choosing Love as the Title to my story.
Don't Forget
Romans 4:16 - Therefore, ( inheriting ) the promise is the outcome of faith and depends ( entirely ) on faith, in order that it might be given as an act of grace ( unmerited favor ) , to make it stable and valid and guaranteed to all his descendants- not only to the devotees and adherents of the Law, but also to those who share the faith of Abraham, who is ( thus ) the father of us all.
Romans 4:20 - No unbelief or distrust made him waver ( doubtingly question ) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God.
God's promises are yes and Amen, but you will notice that they require us to walk in faith with out waver always giving praise and glory to God.
When we walk in this faith we grow strong.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Are you a peace maker or a peace keeper?
How many people do you know that compromise the truth for the sake of keeping the Peace.
A peace maker knows that it might cost him something to speak the truth to someone in love, but if he does, this brings the root to the surface and allows things to be directly dealt with , creating an environment for restoration, and healing. Anything short of that is avoidance and prolongs, solving the problem.
We can enable a person to believe it is ok to continue in their behavior, by not addressing the issues.
When we address people we do so in a loving way, void of accusations, or using force to get our way.
It is not our job to fix people but to give them accurate truths that help them fix themselves. We are not responsible for the outcome, but we are responsible to Speak the Truth .
Today I Choose Life by searching my own heart to ensure my motives when speaking to others is pure and free from selfish agendas.I will not compromise the truth in order to keep the peace I will honor the person for all they do right and offer wisdom for them to come to their own conclusions..
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
But Seek First
Inside of a seed lies all the possibilities of what can be. The beginning, the middle and the end. And so it is with the Kingdom Of God, when we put Christ and His ways first the things that create and sustain our lives are contained within that Kingdom.
If we try to create our lives in any other form by putting the Kingdom into our lives when it is convenient, we will spend our lives filling in the gaps created. There will be voids and a shaky foundation.
The Word of God tells us that lest ye build on His foundation nothing you build in this life will stand.
Today I Choose Life by spending time in prayer, and meditating on the Fathers Word. I Choose this day life.
Continuing in Psalms 1:3 - And he shall be like a tree firmly planted ( and tended ) by the streams of water, ready to bring forth it's fruit in it's season; it's leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper ( and come to maturity )
Monday, July 1, 2013
Every Word Of God Proves True
Made a commitment today with a worship leader, her name is Gwen Smith, to read through the Psalms. I am reading with great expectations of hearing from God .
Psalms 1:1-2 - 1) Blessed ( Happy, fortunate, prosperous, and viable ) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly ( following their advice, their plans and purposes ) , nor stands( submissive and inactive ) in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down ( to relax and rest ) where the scornful ( and mockers ) gather.
2) But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law ( the precepts, the instructions, the teaching of God) he habitually meditates (ponders and studies ) by day and by night.
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