Saturday, February 9, 2013


Where two or more are gathered in his name.
As you can see in this picture two coming together that are different and unique yet together they portray a picture of beauty.

When we are trying to communicate with others we often look and speak from our view and our desires. In order to have harmony we must value what each person has to offer and choose to create something that allows each one to contribute . Sometimes contributing requires us to step back and sometimes we can add much to the equation. 

Realizing that we are all trying to meet basic human needs and each one has something to offer will help us to be humble. 

Many of us try to speak instead of listening. Try listening by writing down what others say and repeating it back to insure you have correctly understood their perspective.

When I close my eyes and describe a chair your version of that chair may be different than mine. A chair is a chair except for the details that make it unique.

My prayer for you today is to choose Life by being uniquely you but adjusting yourself to fit into the big picture. Each piece of the puzzle is needed to fly. 

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