Baboons, that babble and run off at the head, that shake their arms and do the chicken dance, and can not remember two seconds later what they were angry about, They are easy for us to point out and judge the behavior as immature, and undisciplined, and out of control. But as much as they ramble on we also need to be aware of how we respond or react to these sudden out burst. When you are not expecting this negative energy field to hit you square in the face it is easy to get your equilibrium knocked out of balance. Some times it will floor you.
I can not tell you how many times my reaction was to fight back, and become defensive and say things that I did not mean or I regretted. I could tell you to hold your tongue but I assure you unless doing so is a priority, and unless you prepare yourself daily with the Word and prayer you will not be able to resist the temptation . Holding your tongue and using it only to build others up and encourage them , edify and add value to others is Wisdom and it honors God. There is power in the tongue and you will eat the fruit of it.
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