Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Honoring women

This post is to honor women of modesty. Modesty to me is a healthy respect for oneself and for others. Just like our behavior effects others and reveals our own character so does our outer appearance effect ourselves and others. Modesty is saying I do not have to flaunt myself in order to get attention, or to be excepted. The kind of acceptance you receive does not usually lead to healthy relationships. When a women thinks that sex is the only thing she has she will never reach her potential and she limits what she has to offer to the world. Ladies your gentle kind spirit, your gained wisdom and knowledge, in intuitiveness, your skills and talent, your discernment all of these qualities and more give and add value to this world. Your beauty stems from the inside and reflects on the outside. People will measure you by first impressions and usually you end up proving your worth beyond that point. There is so much more to you.

 God designed you for purpose and he gave us Jesus so we could reach our potential. I honor those of you who have chosen a life style that reflects inner beauty because you are the light that will illuminate into someone Else's life and bring about great and desired change. Some of you ladies may have been taught to use your sexuality to get what you want and I agree it usually works, What I will say to you is that if you were to measure and evaluate the results I bet in long run you would find that this behavior leads to other things that degrade you and cause disrespect from the men and women you are trying to impress. I challenge you to day that you can change who you are and who you want to become right now , this moment. There is a way a path that leads to life and you may choose it any time you would like, There is support and resources encouragement, and hope. to the Ladies who already are examples thank you . You are a force of energy and life that will produce a new world , one that understands we were created for so much more.

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