Friday, February 22, 2013


How many lonely people are there in this World? We can address the people who live alone and have no friends. These people often have been abandoned or abused, and choose to isolate themselves to prevent further rejection or pain. Living this style of life becomes increasingly difficult to relate to others because your focus is on your needs.

 Often people will become bitter, feeling angry that others do not see them as someone worthy of love. Others are alone because they have no family and do not know how to start new relationships. Often people who are alone for long periods of time lose the ability to make conversation . For some the stillness becomes a source of comfort that they hold onto rather than challenge themselves to step out of their comfort zones. People can easily and quickly loose touch with reality , like everything in Life when we do not use our skills we loose them.

There are also people who choose to be alone because the world to them is a harsh ugly and frightening place.Some of these people are operating from a shame mind set. They feel so bad and insecure about themselves they cannot muster up enough energy to speak to anyone. And then there are some people who have lived hard lives that just want to be left alone. What ever the reason I do not believe we were designed to be separated from others for long extended periods of time. If you are one of those people I can tell you I have had my own reasons for loneliness , you can feel alone in the midst of a crowd or with family.

 Being misunderstood, not having good communication skills , not feeling valued or loved, or respected. The reasons are endless. For all of us we must come to realize that our needs will be met when we can step away from them and meet someone else's needs. Looking to God to meet our desires and knowing how loved and valued you are by him, gives confidence and we can start to build trust. relationships require a great deal of attention mostly in the form of listening, and in acts of service. The story we tell ourselves and others becomes the path to our destiny. Choosing to give to others the very thing you need for yourself is the first step to opening doors of possibility.

Today you can choose Life, you can choose to love and you can choose to serve. loneliness is a state of Mind before it becomes a state of being. May you receive the gift of grace granted to you by God and open yourself to someone today.

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