What is your vision of a perfect Church? Is it the place that looks like you entered heaven on earth, or just a small quite little space . Some people can get caught up in the building and the routines that help them feel like they are in the presence of God. There are Churches that create such an atmosphere of Royalty, and majestic life that we feel like we are in the right place. The feelings and emotions that the music, and the beauty conjure up transport us into a different realm. I love beauty, it speaks to me of possibility, of all that we are capable of becoming. But the Churches purpose is not just to make us feel good for the time we are there. The entire truth of God's Word must be taught in a way that we leave that place and the power of his Word is translated into our daily lives as we go from place to place. The fact of Life is that for most people our daily lives take us to places that are not so beautiful. Whatever your preference is for the place you worship and learn about God be sure that you remember that the True Temple is within you . We carry the truth of who God is within us wherever we go. I love the small stillness of the forest , this is where I feel closest to God but after my Time spent there I must apply what I no to everyone God places before me. My point to you is to love the Church but do not forget the purpose behind why you go.

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