Take a breath, it will be OK, this to will pass. Just do not put so much pressure on yourself and others that you do not allow room for fault or misunderstanding. Whooooooo Wheeeeeeee. OK, now evaluate from the other persons perspective and then from yours, look at what the intended result was supposed to be and go back and fix it. Ask for forgiveness not because you intended it to happen but to clear the air so you can start fresh and begin again.
You may need to examine your heart and motive or determine if what you were doing was worth it to start with. If you truly messed up and the outcome and expectation was clearly stated then live and learn. and most of all give yourself some slack and room to laugh. Ha, Ha, Ha, today is a new day and I choose life and I choose to be happy and full of love and joy. Let your light shine and hay get over it and on with it. You can not feel miserable enough to change the mistake so let it go. Mark it in the lesson book as I do not want to do that again, but if I do , I will try again. It is OK to be you and to create results that are productive and ones that are not. I love that how boring and mundane would life be without flavor? Smile today is your day, get up and get on your way.
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