Sunday, March 3, 2013

Find Your Sacred Place

Some people call their sacred place a prayer closet, but for me it is somewhere in nature where no one else is around.

I will listen and pray, read, write and walk, sometimes singing, sometimes listening to music, and sometimes just being still.

I love to take a blanket and a chair , something to drink and snack on and spend the entire day hanging out .

Sacred places are that way because of the meaning you attach to them. It could be your bedroom or a den or the church . 

The value comes when you can rest at peace and communicate with God without ever uttering a word. 

This is where he hears your heart and you hear his. Jesus often went away to be alone with the Father after ministering to the people. If you are a person who gives on a regular basis , which most of us are, it is important for you to refuel your tank. We must put something in us to re-energize ourselves in order to have anything of value to give to others. Your sacred place is not a time to fill out bills or get caught up on other chores. This is a time you must choose as a priority in your life and schedule it in.

Some people in your life will not understand your need but do not allow guilt to become a reason for not taking this time for yourself. Others will start to see the benefit and soon will appreciate what this means to you.

(Find a special place and treasure it for it is a gift from God.)

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