I believe in having a strong declaration laid before you and spoken over you daily. A reminder of who you are and what you are working towards.
I call you Blessed and Highly Favored of the Lord, when you rise in the morning you will be filled with the Spirit of the Lord, with Knowledge and Wisdom enabling you to discern the choices you must make through out the day.
You walk in Love, fully clothed in Peace, your Passion leads you to your Destiny, and Forgiveness is freely given as your heavenly Father forgives you.You have Joy Unspeakable and Contagious Laughter. I call you Healthy in Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Your Empathy for others causes you to be Slow to Speak, Slow to Anger and Quick to Listen. You are One with your Maker and Righteous in his Sight. You are always Seeking opportunities to Honor God by Serving your Fellow Man. You have great Favor with man because you Walk in Integrity, and Set a Standard for others to follow.You Mentor those who are in your sphere of influence.You are always Grateful and Full of Grace, you are a Life Long Learner adding Value to everyone around you. You are Respectful, and a Master at Self-Control. You are a World Changer. You Lack for no good thing because you are a Good Steward of what has been entrusted to you.You are Generous and you always put others above your own agenda. Again I call you Blessed and Highly Favored of the Lord.
You may not feel like this is you but agreeing with what God speaks about us and speaking it out, leads us on the path to becoming more like our father. Call yourself blessed.
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