So I came across this post today and my insides started to churn. First and foremost you need to know that not one person on this earth has the power to steal your joy, peace, love , hope, or faith.
What happens is when you are in the presence of someone who challenges you and you are being tested in your character you give away all these things because your out look is about you.
We always want the easy path of least resistance. The minute we are challenged we complain, we blame and we push away the very thing that was sent to us to make us stronger.
When we meet people who are struggling in life it is our chance to let the light of God in us shine on the path that leads others to victory. I am taken back by believers that once were lost and now don't want to be bothered with anyone who does not have their life together. Guess what my friend, neither do you. Our joy is in the Lord and no one or thing can rob us of that.
I wonder if we would down size our lives to where they where manageable, and we would prioritize and choose what is more valuable to God not ourselves, what would happen. Perhaps that person that God allowed to cross your path would become so valuable to you that you would lay aside your need to always be at peace, and except that person right where they are. Do you realize that peace comes only when we can stand and face every adversity and say it is well with my soul. The circumstances and people who rub you the wrong way are opportunities for you to adjust yourself and be a blessing.
What hope is there for others if we have an attitude that says I do not want you in my space because your personality, your problems, or your outlook on life brings me down. It is your faith that is lacking, it is your inability, to love that is the problem. How else would you know that you have all of these characteristics and are being made into the image of God unless you are placed before a mirror that reflects your weaknesses and strengths. You are not a victim of life my friend, what you are is a child of God and you are blessed with opportunity to grow. Please change your own outlook towards those who need help and choose some discomfort for the sake of others and yourself. If you do not pay the price and suffer in the short run you will pay the price and suffer in the long run. Choose life.
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