That is right you own the remote . You are the one in control of what you watch, listen to and allow, or not allow. You may think I am talking about watching TV, but I am talking about the personal power you have to control the choices of your own Life.
For far to many years I never realized that I could make my own choices. There where always stronger more powerful people in my life that were willing to tell me what, when, where, and how much.
Being nice is not about giving others power of you.
I find it rather amusing when I hear people complaining about others as though they have no say in what goes on around them. ( Hello I want you to hear me, you can control how you will respond to others.) You hand over the remote to everyone around you giving them permission to control you in every way. I am sorry but you lose the right to complain when you give others permission to abuse or use you.
Perhaps you are this meek little person who just wants piece and refuses to stand up for yourself, but I promise you until you take a stand you do not have a leg to stand on. You do not have to become loud and obnoxious , you just have to choose what you believe about life, what are your values, and what principles has God laid before you to stand on.
Ultimately we live our lives before others by the choices we make, what we allow , the boundaries we set for ourselves and others, the way we love, give, and forgive.
The remote is a valuable possession that should be treasured and kept guarded at all times. If you do not learn to operate it well someone else will operate it for you. I always say you have options , you have choices and preperation is key to application.
If you struggle with ownership sign up for the coaching and lets empower you for a powerful, life full of meaning and purpose.
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