Thursday, April 25, 2013

Light makes itself evident by contrast

Light makes itself evident by contrast. Without rain how would we know sunshine, and without darkness how could we choose light?

Two extremes will help us set boundaries for our lives that keep us productive. As a Tool Maker one thing I learned was to always find your center because this is your reference point from where you choose your direction. If you get off track you always refer back to your center.

For a believer in Jesus Christ he becomes our center and the Word Of God is the frame that builds our life. When we live within the context of that frame we find life. Inside the frame there is light that produces life, outside the frame things start moving away from the center and life is no longer supported.Be thankful for the contrast between darkness and light ,and for the fact that you can choose which you want to reside in. 

Choose Life , Choose Light , Choose Jesus Christ 

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