Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Women We Have Forgotten

Ladies this is for you. When I look around me I have become aware of how we as women have forgotten how beautiful we are and how gracious we can be.

 Take the time to create your surroundings and yourself in a way that speaks of the inner beauty within. It is easy to become lazy and complacent when it comes to our appearance and our surroundings.

 We can loose the value of beauty when we give in to the easy way of life. But God created you with the ability to create beautiful things and I want to encourage you to add value to your world by taking the time and making the effort to look your best. 

.Money is not the objective here, it does not take great amounts of money to create beauty, just take care of yourself and your surroundings. Make it a priority in your life. People notice and the world is lacking in concern for going the extra mile when it comes to spending a little time on ourselves and our surroundings. In health, or knowledge, or self discipline, or simply getting up taking a shower, brush your teeth, put on clean clothes, and present yourself in a respectful way.. Let your light shine , and remember more does not mean better. Modesty is a virtue that adds value to life.

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