Monday, September 30, 2013

People Who Leave

How many times I have seen posts that tell us to let go of the people who leave us because if they where supposed to be a part of our lives they would still be there. People will make comments like this, and there is an under current flowing when it is spoken. People are justifying themselves by encouraging the thoughts that support there beliefs. 

I see it every day, people who push others away because while in there presence they are challenged by the other persons behavior, or beliefs. They somehow have convinced themselves that if you cause me stress in any form like I loose my peace because of you, that we are to remove ourselves from this kind of bad influence and environment.

I want to challenge that thinking because it is only thru exposure to the elements and environments that challenge us that we can condition ourselves in order to gain strength and Mastery. 

We are called to be at peace in all things. I have seen Christians avoid anyone who is negative in any way, only surrounding themselves with people who encourage them, and make life comfortable. True comfort, true peace, true joy, true contentment, come when we choose to stand in the midst of adversity and when we can control our thoughts, words and deeds in a way that creates and changes the environment we are in for the better. Those of you who always run, always seek comfort and use the cop-out that if your attitude stinks stay away from me, are self serving and not other people oriented. We first seek the kingdom of God, then we learn to transform our thinking by trusting God's word. How do you think God will bring transformation to you? By exposing you to environments and to people that give you an opportunity to choose the right behavior. This is how Character is built. You can run, but you can not hide. Character is formed and shaped through adversity, struggle, and resistance.

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