Friday, October 18, 2013


Tolerance is not an open ended acceptance of everything, but rather a set boundary for quality of life.
As a Journeyman Tool and Die Maker, we set Tolerances that kept us in a safety zone so we could consistently produce quality products.

In today's society we hear people speaking about the intolerance of someones beliefs, and life choices, and we tell everyone that everything in life should be tolerated.

Life has a tipping point which extends from the center out . Once you reach a certain point things start to tip and move in a downward direction. Example a teeter totter.

As a society we live in the world with many choices, and beliefs, the way to choose where to set our boundaries is when we reach the place where the quality of life is being compromised.

Tolerating bad behavior that takes away, from life, is equivalent to standing at the edge of the tipping point and trying to maintain your balance. Eventually the odds will get you and you will go down.

I believe in Tolerance- but from the standpoint that they are boundaries we set for safety and well being, and quality of life.

I think like so many things we have defined our words to meet our desires instead of the true meaning that adds to life.

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