Sunday, August 5, 2012

Life Series

LIFE SERIES:    God gave us tools to detect when we are on course and to adjust ourselves when necessary. Our Emotions - These allow us to express what we are experiencing and what we have been exposed to causes our emotions to feel . Depending on what we choose to think about Life and the course we choose to take our emotions get into agreement with the thoughts and we can use them to evaluate if we are being fruitful.

 Our conscience was a pre-programmed guidance system given to us but do to a lack of use many of those systems are no longer performing or serving their purpose. Just like all of life if you do not use something you will lose it. Thankfully our God given system is full of second chances and you can choose to program it at any time you like. There is one thing about it , when something is designed to serve a purpose and the one using the system is using it in-correctly the system will never meet it fullest potential. We have become so dependant on other systems outside of ourselves to support us that our own capabilities are never being fully realized.

Every Environment is a mirror that reflects an image to you and I. How you respond or react to what you see is giving you a portrait of yourself. This is an opportunity to measure your level of self-mastery . We all are on that scale somewhere and it's OK to be where you are, the point of responsibility comes into place when you are exposed to the mirror. This is the place of choice where you become a victim blaming or you say thank you for the chance to get better.

Every Character has traits that have to be developed. You have been given some things but the rest is up to you. Why bother developing on purpose, because everything you do produces results that you and everyone around you must live with.

We have generations of people that are creating lives of chaos due to a lack of living on purpose or because they are blind to their own need for change. Either way we are take, take, taking from Life. Just like a bank account if all you ever do is take out and never make deposits soon you will be bankrupt. The Earth is a climate controlled environment that portrays an image to us all of what Life looks like. One lesson it shares is that in order to continue we must reproduce . Same sex relationships are unable to reproduce and if you were to measure what you are producing looking at all aspects of Life not just one or two, that are convenient I wonder what the results would be.

 Sometimes I think that we were born with certain circumstances so we would recognize our need for change. Maybe that struggle was given to us so we could learn to Master ourselves in the areas of weakness that come so natural to us. Those areas require no discipline at all we just do what makes us feel good. I can say I was born that way but should that be an excuse to not challenge ourselves to become something different than what we started with? We will always take  the road less traveled if we always give in to our natural weaknesses. I can empathize with weakness and wanting to give up at times. Sometimes we think we just don't have what it takes to overcome but you will never know what your made of or how much you can accomplish if you never try. Make a choice , who do you want to be? Make a plan and be constant keep getting up( not) dragging but full of Life at the challenge before you. What can you create from what you were given to start with? Everything grows out of darkness and into the light. REACH FOR IT.

Self-Government-( Is Internal)  Exterior Government was created for the one who refuses to set boundaries for themselves or others and causes chaos because of their lack of discipline or their lack of understanding.
The more external Gov. in a society is an indication of a lack of moral and ethical standing. When we as a society choose to govern ourselves the need for outside interference dissipates for a lack of need.


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