To go where no man has ever gone before. This may bring memories of Star Track to mind but for you and I every time we choose to do what we have never tried or what we fear or what we know we are called to do requires a pioneer spirit. To venture into the unknown, to stand for a cause that may cost us something. There are many people who have accomplished great things because they chose to step out and take action on their belief's. They moved through obstacles and pushed past naysayers they found resources, they gathered support, and they set in there mind to resolve to accomplish their task no matter what. All of the founder's of our Nation where men and women of character. The men and women of the Bible give us great examples of risk takers and people who resolved to live by their faith.
On June 21, 1776, John Adams, the future second President of the United States, wrote: Statesmen... may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.
The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our people in a greater measure, than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the forms of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty.
Take note the title that he placed upon those whom he was addressing.( Statesmen) A statesmen is a man or women of character who holds their honor to a high standard. If we were to find such a person I believe we would title them as a hero in this day and age. Surely it would take great resolve to stand up and be a person of honor and be willing to sacrifice for the greater cause. This would take a pioneering spirit.
1 Timothy 6:13 - ...God gives Life to all things...
Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States (1981-1989) stated:
Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves. Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide.
My administration is dedicated to the preservation of America as a free land, and there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human being's, the right without which no other Rights have any meaning.
I can see him in his stately manner rising to the podium and declaring his stand, while internally preparing for the backlash.
2 Timothy 4:7 - I have fought the good fight.
" Eddie" Rickenbacker (1890-1973), an American fighter ace in France during World War 1 and Congressional Metal of Honor recipient and later a pioneer in air transportation, stated:
I pray to God every night of my life to be given the strength and power to continue my efforts to inspire in others the interest, the obligation, and the responsibilities that we owe to this land.. And for the sake of future generations- for my boys and girls - so that we can always look back when the candle of life burns low and say, " Thank God, I have contributed my best to the land that contributed so much to me."
Titus 1:15 - ... but even their mind and conscience are defiled.
General Omar Bradley was one of the main U.S. Army field commanders in North Africa and Europe during World War 2 and the first officer assigned to the post of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 1948, he stated:
We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount... the world has achieved brilliance without conscience . Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.
In a speech in February 1961, President John F. Kennedy stated: ... Let us go forth to lead this land that we love, joining in the prayer of General George Washington in 1783, "that God would have you in his holy protection, that
He would incline the hearts of the citizens... to entertain a brotherly love and affection one for another...and finally that He would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with ... the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, without an humble imitation of whose example we can never hope to be a happy nation." The guiding principle and prayer of this nation has been, is now, and shall ever be " In God We Trust"
1 Peter 1:23 - through the word of God which lives and abides forever.
Daniel Webster (1782-1852) Was a leading American Statesman during the nation's Antebellum Period. In 1843, he spoke of the Founding Father's regard for the Bible in an address celebrating the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument:
The Bible came with them. And it is not to be doubted, that to free and universal reading of the Bible, in that age, men were much indebted for right views of civil liberty. The Bible is a book of faith, and a book of doctrine, and a book of morals, and a book of religion, of special revelation from God; but it is also a book which teaches man his own individual responsibility, his own dignity, and his equality with his fellowman.
Andrew Jackson ( 1829-1837) The seventh President of the United States stated: You have the highest of human trust committed to your care. Providence has showered on this favored land blessings without number, and has chosen you as the guardians of freedom, to preserve it for the benefit of the human race. May He who holds in His hands the destinies of nations make you worthy of the favors He has bestowed, and enable you, with pure hearts and hands and sleepless vigilance, to guard and defend to the end of time,the great charge He has committed to your keeping.
Now is the time and today is the day to rise to your feet and say yes to Life and yes to Jesus.
Life is a opportunity to challenge yourself and become everything that Jesus died for you to be.
Please Stand up , Now Stand up on the inside.
Quotes and Scriptures taken from the American Patriot's Bible.
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