
Character is the foundation of all human action and results. Our Schools, Government, Businesses, Churches, and Families. Often we put our beliefs in a box as though we believers are the only one's that understand and value Character. Fortunately God is a God of second chances. We collectively as a Nation and a World are reaping the consequences of a lack of Character and a Value system .
One thing we all have in common is our tolerance for pain. Some of us have a much higher tolerance and we put up with the pain of our choices far longer than need be. But when it is all said and done we seem to all reach our limit and we turn and go in another direction. This is certainly where we are in America and we are starting to see people and organizations evaluating what needs to be done to escalate our-selves to a higher level.
We know that God is the answer but as for me when I see people seeking for positive change and that change is representative of God's Principles I am coming along side of them and showing my support . By doing this I can win access and influence so that when the time is right and I have earned the right to speak into their lives they will be willing to listen. Character does Count and I support this organization for the difference they are making and there contribution to helping us see our need for change.
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