Sunday, March 31, 2013

Eat To Live , Not live To Eat

To compare the beauty, and richness of life that whole real live food offers to anything artificial, is to except death and disease.

The more I look at and touch, and smell things that are living the more I want to be connected to Gods great design. 

Why is it that man in all his wisdom can not see that life is abundant in it's simplest form. Anything added to that moves us away from life.

Change the way you look at food , respect food as a tool given to us as fuel, and nutrients the body needs in order to carry our spirits around in this life. We lack no good thing when it comes to the plethora of food God has given to us to choose from.

Deuteronomy -11:26 On this day I lay before you a blessing and a curse, Choose Life.


Wishing you a Happy Spring, Full of New Beginnings , Lots of Life, and Love. Take a walk in a garden, breath deep, and let go of controlling anything that hinders your peace.

God has a plan and a process to accomplish that plan. Choose Life today and trust in the one who created all this beauty.

Today is a great day to review your beliefs and to evaluate whether you are living your values.

Alignment in thought, word, and deed will bring harmony to the soul. 

John 14: 27 - Peace I leave you; My (own ) peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the World gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. ( stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.) 

Christ The Lord Is Risen Today

The message of Faith for all of man kind is that Christ The Lord is Risen Today

Happy Easter and New Beginnings to all.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Respect, Honesty, Trust, Loyalty

I know we tell our children all the time to respect your elders, and show respect to your parents, and friends and they will respect you.

 I have witnessed many people in authority that expect others to respect them because of the title they carry. 

My experience has been that people will show respect up front until you show them you are not worthy of that respect. 

If respect was not something that needed to be earned I believe like everything else what we do not work for we do not value. Giving common respect to others will start us off on solid ground , but the ground will become shaky if we do not work consistently towards earning what has been entrusted to us. 

Honesty is appreciated, it is one of the staples needed for respect to be earned.
Trust is gained, as you consistently are honest , Loyalty will be given to you as people realize you are a man of your word, you are truthful, and you have worked to earn respect. People will follow this person. 

Worthy Is the Lamb

Sing a new song, for worthy is the Lamb Of God.

Benefits Of Garlic

A Moment in Darkness

Today as I read the account of what happened to Jesus on this day, I wondered what it was like when darkness came over the earth. Did people fear God, or where they convinced that Jesus was the Christ? 

What a word picture to see the light of the World snuffed out and darkness appeared. 

I thought of how little light it takes to make the darkness go away.

I wondered what I would have thought about Jesus in that time.

I wonder how Jesus felt when the weight of mankind's sin was upon his shoulders. 

And then I remembered why he came and how , he gave his life so that you and I could live an abundant life with God the Father. 

On the third day he rose from the dead , Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one. I think there is great hope in the darkest hour of your life when you choose to trust in the one who over came darkness. 

Recommended Read

There is Life in a Book, something being formed and shaped that will birth excitement and wisdom, and joy. 

My recommended read for the day, is 

Ready, Set... Grow!
Author- Dondi Scumaci

How to rediscover your passion, overcome your fears, and create the Life you've always wanted.

Great read.


Proverbs 17:10 - A reproof enters deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred lashes into a (self-confident fool. 

It is very easy for us to judge someones actions and to correct what we see as wrong. For the person receiving the reproof it can wound or bring healing and correction.

I believe that when we are going to correct or direct someone we should first sit down in private with them, and try to understand there side. 

If we have a pre-conceived idea about what we think is going on we will enter into judgement. Our goal is to move someone past the obstacle and empower them to better choices. If you are sure you understand them and you have helped them discover for themselves what the truth of the situation is then you can share wisdom with them , and because you took the time to listen they will be open to receive. 

To many people want to play the role of God and think that it is their right to correct us. The greater purpose would be to allow the one needing correction to discover for themselves. For those receiving if our hearts are pure and we are teachable we will take what is offered and filter it through our belief system and apply the truths and discard the junk. This is the man of understanding, he says that all people can teach me something even if it is how not to do something. An unteachable spirit will not receive because he is not seeking solutions. Until he is aware of his need you are wasting your time.

Sunshine and Rain

(This to will pass.) When everything seems to hard to bare remember the sunshine is out there somewhere. Behind every shadow sits the sun. Today you fell down , but tomorrow you will run. Love and laughter will get you through, remember your Father is watching over you. 

Cold and Flu Protector

There is nothing better than the pureness of nature supplying us with everything we need for wellness. 

Preventative maintenance is doing the right and necessary thing on a regular basis so that you do not get sick to start with. 

I love taking the time to train my senses by looking at the colors, smelling the aromas and touching the fruits and vegetables. 

Living life's complete array of beauty in all of it's forms. Here is to your health.

Jesus Saves

Wow this is beautiful, I am blessed. May your Easter be full of the light and love of a saving Lord.

Jesus really does save .

Thursday, March 28, 2013

So Long Fare well, I'm Glad To Say Goodbye.

So long fare well I'm glad to say good ---byyyyyyyyy. It's been to long I really must sighhhhhhhh. Good bye, Good bye , Goooooood Byyyyyyeeee! 

Bye Bye Mr. Winter, Hello Sunshine.

I will sing of your great Love Lord

Spring time is when all new beginnings and freshness come and bring joy, and excitement to our soul. 

Today the message is to rejoice in new beginnings and put on the full armour of God. 

It is a new day, there is a way to break through and praise will open up the window to new life. 

I am thinking spring thoughts and there is a stirring in my soul. Shine on sunshine, it is a skippedy doda day. Made you laugh didn't I.

Oh Happy Day

 out  Amen

If Your happy and You Know It

O ---- Natureeel

With all my heart I believe God intended for us to live a simplistic life . The more we add to the basics of living the further we get away from the pure benefit . Taking what has been given to us in it's natural form helps our environment and the health benefits are far above the man made products. 

Some of us need to re-program our taste and senses so we can enjoy the living luster of life before us. 

Growing your own is even better.

Live , Love , Grow, and Give,Learn and Start fresh from scratch. 


The Lord Is My Strength

The Lord is my strength and my ( impenetrable ) Shield; my heart trusts in , relies on, and confidently leans on Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song will I praise him. 

(Psalms 28:7)

The Lord gives me strength when I am weary and when I lack might, He increases power. I wait on the Lord and He renews my strength. I mount up with wings like Eagles, I run and do not grow weary; I walk and do not grow faint.

I am strong in the Lord and in His might, I put on the full armor of God. In Christ I can do all things because He strengthens me.

As we pass through the trials of life our God is greater, our God is big enough. Our God watches over his creation with great love. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Paradox Of Our Age

From this insightful paradox of our age we can get excited that the only place to go from here is up.

I think that life teaches us to grow , but the thing we have forgotten is that principles are always, a standard set in place for us to evaluate our progress.

To slow down and value things that add quality to life. There was a day when we valued personal, self-mastery, and restraint was a virtue greatly honored.

There really is no short cut or by-pass to life , we learn either the hard way or the right way. When we by-pass the process we set ourselves and others up for failure. Knowledge without the wisdom to use it can cause harm and hold us back. Our fast pace, and the consequences of life have left us soft, for it is in the work of doing that we gain strength.

 We must learn that life has a purpose and it is to serve God and to grow into that image. How we handle life will determine what is created by our choices.

Great Minds

A great Idea, Is we start out small with nothing, we grow, change , build and climb, just in time to come back to our starting ground. Perhaps everything we ever needed was in the beginning, and we were never meant to journey so far from home. I always say, just because you can does not mean you should. It's an idea.

An average mind discusses the state of a Nation and looks to a Government to rule over what was given to the individual to run.

A small mind, cannot get past the mirror and see that we all have the same reflection, the small mind talks as if he or she is seperate from others.A small mins can only contain what is in it and it will give away what it has.

Be Kind To Everything that Lives

I know some of us are cringing at this statement , but stop and think about the difference it makes to you when you are angry, hurt, or having a bad day and someone is considerate of you, Think of when someone  smiles at you, shares a word of encouragement, or gives you a hug. 

Everything passes in a moment, even the hard things that seem to linger pass on . If I could choose, and I can, I would choose to be kind. It would mean that I would have to step back from where I am and let go of whatever is keeping me from giving of myself.

Being kind to others really is you opening the window for kindness to come to you. I really believe that when we let go of our agendas and simply choose to add value to others all that we need comes to us. The problem is we have a skewed idea of what we need. This Earth is a living thing that supports us and requires an awareness of what happens when we are not kind to people or things. I think that the more we can let go of the need for stuff and live life in it's simplest form giving back whatever we use the beauty and balance will be restored. 

Best Herbs Indoors

Monday, March 25, 2013

Great Minds

A great Idea, Is we start out small with nothing, we grow, change , build and climb, just in time to come back to our starting ground. Perhaps everything we ever needed was in the beginning, and we were never meant to journey so far from home. I always say, just because you can does not mean you should. It's an idea.

An average mind discusses the state of a Nation and looks to a Government to rule over what was given to us to steward.

A small mind, cannot get past the mirror and see that we all have the same reflection, the small mind talks as if he or she is separate from others .A small mind can only contain what is in it and it will give away what it has.

Great minds know that we can grow from a small mind, to an average mind and become great in our thinking. 

What a Paradox

From this insightful paradox of our age we can get excited that the only place to go from here is up. 

I think that life teaches us to grow , but the thing we have forgotten is that principles are always, a standard set in place for us to evaluate our progress.

To slow down and value things that add quality to life. There was a day when we valued personal, self-mastery, and restraint was a virtue greatly honored. 

There really is no short cut or by-pass to life , we learn either the hard way or the right way. When we by-pass the process we set ourselves and others up for failure. Knowledge without the wisdom to use it can cause harm and hold us back. Our fast pace, and the conveniences of life have left us soft for it is in the work of doing that we gain strength. We must learn that life has a purpose and it is to serve God and to grow into that image.

 How we handle life will determine what is created by our choices.Our greed allows place for things but not for people. I believe we have lost the why behind what we do. Doing just for the sake of being busy, or accumulating things is fruitless. More is not better unless what you have acquired has value and adds quality to life.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

This Bothers Me Matter of fact it Ticks me off

So I came across this post today and my insides started to churn. First and foremost you need to know that not one person on this earth has the power to steal your joy, peace, love , hope, or faith.

 What happens is when you are in the presence of someone who challenges you and you are being tested in your character you give away all these things because your out look is about you.

 We always want the easy path of least resistance. The minute we are challenged we complain, we blame and we push away the very thing that was sent to us to make us stronger.

 When we meet people who are struggling in life it is our chance to let the light of God in us shine on the path that leads others to victory. I am taken back by believers that once were lost and now don't want to be bothered with anyone who does not have their life together. Guess what my friend, neither do you. Our joy is in the Lord and no one or thing can rob us of that.

 I wonder if we would down size our lives to where they where manageable, and we would prioritize and choose what is more valuable to God not ourselves, what would happen. Perhaps that person that God allowed to cross your path would become so valuable to you that you would lay aside your need to always be at peace, and except that person right where they are. Do you realize that peace comes only when we can stand and face every adversity and say it is well with my soul. The circumstances and people who rub you the wrong way are opportunities for you to adjust yourself and be a blessing.

 What hope is there for others if we have an attitude that says I do not want you in my space because your personality, your problems, or your outlook on life brings me down. It is your faith that is lacking, it is your inability, to love that is the problem. How else would you know that you have all of these characteristics and are being made into the image of God unless you are placed before a mirror that reflects your weaknesses and strengths. You are not a victim of life my friend, what you are is a child of God and you are blessed with opportunity to grow. Please change your own outlook towards those who need help and choose some discomfort for the sake of others and yourself. If you do not pay the price and suffer in the short run you will pay the price and suffer in the long run. Choose life. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Oh Happy day,

Worthless Talk

Ephesians 4:30- And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God( do not offend or vex or sadden Him), by Whom you were sealed (marked, branded as God's own, secured) for the day of redemption ( of final deliverance through Christ from evil and the consequences of sin).

Ephesians 4:29-31 - Let no foul or polluting language, or evil word nor unwholesome or worthless talk( Ever) come out of your mouth, but only such (speech) as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give grace ( God's) favor to those who hear it. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God( do not offend or vex or sadden Him ) , by Whom you were sealed ( marked, branded as God's own, secured ) for the day of redemption ( of final deliverance through Christ from evil and the consequences of sin. ) Let all bitterness and indignation and wrath ( passion, rage, bad temper) and resentment (anger, animosity) and quarreling ( brawling, clamor, contention) and slander ( evil speaking, abusive or blasphemous language) be banished from you, with all malice ( spite, ill will , or baseness of any kind. 

The only thing to say after that is if you have wounded or been wounded with words turn them around for good. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Perfect Time

The light will shine on my path today.

In the right moment in the right way. 

Family Dinner

What's for dinner, do you remember that time of day when everyone came together and shared a meal, and talked about there day?

No for some of us that has never been a part of the family routine.  When I was growing up dinner time was a ritual that we all looked forward to. Not only did we have well balanced meals. but we all got to see our father after his long day at work. 

We discussed everything from homework, school, discipline, friends, and chores. We all shared in the activity by, setting the table, or gathering the dishes. 

One thing is for sure spending time together for a common cause kept us close together and we never considered it being an option to not be together for our meal. This created security, and discipline, manners, respect, and consistency. I always new what to expect and at what time of day. We ate at the table not on the floor watching television. We learned social skills at the table and manners. We learned to listen to others as we shared together. There was no TV, or radio on at the dinner table. 

I have heard many people state that we just do not have time to sit down together for dinner. We all have the same amount of time each day. How we choose to prioritize our time is up to us. When we value our jobs that keep us tied up because we need the money, I wonder if our wants and desires for the so called good life is more of a priority than our family time. I understand that we have created unbalance and it takes time to down size so life becomes manageable but we can start to evaluate what is lacking and remove some of the things that hold us back. 

I for one love placing value around the dinner table. 

Reputation is not about Self Promotion

Reputation is about consistently adding value, with out ever promoting self. When your interest is in adding value to people and to customers your reputation builds itself.

For those of you trying to convince someone that you have something they want or need, try serving them so they can get to know you. Give away free stuff. 

Ask for nothing and be available when you can.

Stop having an opinion and start listening and guiding with genuine concern and questions.

Yes most of the time your reputation is built when your mouth is shut. Let others do the talking, and you do the work and walking. 

French fry Hair

So my grandson came home from the steak and shake today with a cardboard box car and the girl inside had french fries for hair. I so laughed out loud , and was simply blessed for his out look on life. (Point) Find your french fry haired doll today a give her a good hardy laugh.

Monday, March 18, 2013

I Think Your Grrrrrrrrreat

That is all I have to say about that.

I Think Your Grrrrrrrrreat.

Define Favor

What does the favor of God look like in someones life?

Is it when they have a big house, a fancy car, expensive clothes, vacations, and big toys?

Perhaps you may think when everything in your life is going well for you. Or maybe when you have lots of friends.

I think in order to correctly define Godly favor we would have to define God.

Knowing who God is and knowing what his purpose is for our lives , and knowing how he uses circumstances to form and shape us will put things into a frame of reference where we can evaluate if we are walking in that favor. 

When we are in alignment with the word of God, there are things that happen because God's word says that when the word goes out it does not come back void, but accomplishes everything it was sent out to do.

The Favor of God is produced by our thoughts, words, and actions when we really on him, for our daily living. That may or may not be fancy things but whatever it is we will be at peace and it will be well with our souls. If you are trusting God , walking in faith, you have the favor of God on your life. You are blessed.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I do not define myself By

Wow of all the lies that we and others try to tell us about ourselves this is how I choose to see things.

I am somebody and so are you. Faults, and results that come up short of the desired outcome are just ways to evaluate where we are and give us opportunity to adjust accordingly.

Why put a label on outcomes that drag you down and limit your ability?

Just choose who you are , what you believe , and learn from the things you see and do. Allow those things to shape you and form character.

God gave us the right to live by faith and he made room for error, so do not allow people to place you in a box by labeling you in order for them to control their own lives, or yours.

Step out from under that hand of oppression and step up under the hand of the Lord. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Herbs and Spices for the Temple

Struggling with a long period of health issues that seem to get worse with traditional medicine, has led me on a coarse to find God's way of healing.

One obvious way is to eat the simple pure form of food that he provided for us. Prayer and praising God causes us to rise to a higher state of being where we access the presence of God . 

Our health is a combination of foods, exercise, thoughts, forgiveness, emotional well being, and over all gratefulness. 

This is one chart full of healing herbs and spices that we can start to learn about and implement into our lives.

This is not the only things that these herbs and spices are good for but it is a start to help you familiarize yourself with things you may not be use to adding to your diet. I will continue to build on these healthy foods for our future health care is in our hands.
It might serve you well to make a copy of these for your self. Perhaps start a booklet for for friends and family to use. One thing is for sure the Lord has given us everything we need to live a healthy life and we are to be good stewards of it.God bless you in your endeavors as you pour into the temple of God (Living Foods).

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When I Look Back I Look Forward

It does not take much to rehearse all the pain and injustice we have suffered in our lives. Really it comes quite easily and often we are comforted by our story.

 It becomes very familiar. Our mistakes fall before us rolling off the lips of others as though we needed reminded of our faults.

So often we give in to the side of ourselves that is vulnerable and weak and we become sensitive to the opinions of others.

As believers in Christ we put on our new identity and learn to stand in the face of adversity.

 We tell a new story, one that says I am a new creature in Christ, I have come a long way on this journey, and I am proud of the choice I have made to serve the Lord. Daily renewing your mind , and refusing to give in to the lies, that hold us back from achieving our destiny.You are valued and loved by the Lord and his plan is to take every part of your life's story and give you an ending that surpasses anything you or others could imagine.Look in the mirror today, look into the eyes of Jesus looking back at you and be thankful that you were chosen by God. If God is for you then who can be against you?

Respect Your Elders

I remember when I was young being in the presence of the elderly was a very serious thing. There was no messing around and no one had to tell you to be respectful, there was a simple knowing just to do it.

I think of all the things that people go through and survive and the wisdom gained and I wonder why would we devalue the elderly?

I could only hope that as I age people would take the time to listen to my stories, seek my advice, and look after my well being.

This outer body breaks down, but the heart and often the mind continue on. How sad we would be if we chose to dishonor the people that forged the way before us. 

At what cost to ourselves will it be to loose the insight and even the love of one who has so much yet to give.
I think the elderly are a test to us from God, to show us our values, and to help us with compassion, and to teach us patience.

God put it on our hearts to care for, watch over, and highly respect our elders. What goes around comes around, and what a sad way to end a life than to be ignored, or treated badly as though no one cares. 

Love on purpose today, Hold a hand, give a hug, share a smile, or just offer your ear to listen. You may just learn something that could change your life. 

Before You Utter a Word

Think before you speak, or if you do not have something nice to say, do not say anything at all. Remember these things we were taught as children? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. 

It is so easy to speak out of the emotion of the moment, or out of ignorance, but the damage is done the second you open your mouth. 

Choosing the type of person you would like to be and taking a moment to step back and ask yourself a few questions. Such as is what I am thinking and about to say really true? How do I know it is true?

Is the remark a fair assessment of the situation, And is it necessary for me to say it? How about how is this statement going to empower or help someone?

Talking just for the sake of talking is a futile waste of energy and our energy is already taxed . I have found that when I tell myself that my opinion really does not matter unless it is to help someone in a loving way then I spare others and myself a lot of grief. 

Remember there are some things in life we cannot take back, and what you say in a moment of weakness could and usually does change your relationship with others.

I encourage us all to practice the art of self-control and hold our tongue's .Take the time to assess and evaluate the circumstance and the person. You really have no way of knowing anything about them unless they share their hearts with you. Show compassion and give people a break. Often your agenda is framing your way of thinking and the motive is often self-serving , not focused on adding value to others.

Ask yourself would I want anyone to say something that could hurt to me? And then turn it around a bless them with something that will make them feel good about themselves and life in general. Life is always a choice and choices are made after thinking them through.

In Honor Of Tim

I have been blessed to know you Tim, your life was one worthy of your call. The role you played out as a father and husband set a standard that all should strive for.

 I honor you for the way you displayed your faith and Love while in sickness and in health. Your wonderful smile , your great outlook on life. Heaven sings with you this morning and in our sorrow we choose to sing as well. 

You are greatly loved by many, and your legacy in your family goes on. Thank you for your outstanding display of being a Godly Man. I see Jesus in you. Jesus love on the family, they serve you well.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Value of a Home

When I was growing up Home ownership was always something in the heart of every man and women. Having a Home was part of the American Dream. 

Owning a Home was part of the family heritage and it was something to be valued and loved. A home is the place where families grow together, and play together, it is a place of safety, and where your treasures are displayed. 

The home teaches us how to do family, how to respect things and people. It is also a portrait of your story. The home today has lost it's value because of the broken state of families, the economy,and a mind set that values speed and ease.

  The size of the home does not matter but the people who live there certainly do. I think that owning a home is something that holds families together. Working together and staying close instead of moving away and leaving everyone else to take care of our families. It takes everyone to be successful. Growing your own food, cooking and sowing, making your clothes, things like home schooling your children and helping your neighbors, creates a world of balance and I believe significance. I have worked outside of the home and as I look at the economy, and the need for our children to be guided and nurtured, I look at the food supply, and the energy, everything we face today I believe could be improved with home ownership, family, and self sufficiency.There is more to it than that but my point is that purpose comes and quality of life comes when we have consistency and something worth working towards. I am all for home ownership, small family business where we can all be good stewards of our own lives.

I do not think we would have so much trouble with our youth if we had homes, family business and became self sufficient by supplying our own basic needs.It is time to avaluate our world and step back in order to move forward.

Monday, March 11, 2013

CEO's Flow Down Hill

Do you see how the water is so smooth and the color so bright at the top of this mountain. It looks as if everything is running very satisfactory. But then I look at the overflow or the runoff and I see how different the water looks as all that power moves down to a different level. 

I am a Journeyman Tool and Die Maker and I worked in the Auto Industry as well as for the Government . I remember working my way up through the company holding every job until I reached the level of becoming a journeyman after a 5 year apprenticeship .

 I worked through a lot of issues and watched people on both sides management and production, as well as suppliers, and customers, and everyone else in the process, bump heads. I say bump heads because they could never get past their agendas to see that they were working against each other instead of together for the common goal.
One of the biggest frustrations was to have a manager making decisions about things they were not educated to do. They were strictly there to manage people but refused to take advice from those who did the work and were responsible for getting out a quality part.

When you give someone a job to do, you give them the training and the tools to accomplish the job and then when they tell you there is a problem and they tell you what needs to happen in order to fix the problem, and you choose to not listen, you have broken a trust you have created a breech. You have stifled the moral and even created a hostile work environment. You cannot expect people to do a job when they know they are not valued for what they know and do. And how do you do your job when supervision removes your ability to make choices. I could turn this into a training program but for the moment i want each of you at the top to realize how it would feel to give you a title with out the power to fulfill it. This is not about your emotion but about wisdom in realizing that people who are demotivated and devalued will never reach their potential and neither will you. Listening and being open to allow those with the knowledge to prosper you is your most valued asset. Listening is the number one thing that leads to trust and shows you value people. Start there first.

Birds of a feather

Birds of a feather flock together. Do they ? Sometimes when you are in need of understanding you will seek out another person that you know will be on your side and they will support your objectives and complaints. The two of you will agree and get immediate gratification from each other. For the brief moment in time you feel justified and reassured that you are right in your thoughts and deeds. 

But then what happens, when your choices catch up with you and you realize that having the outlet to open wide your mouth did not serve you well? It feels really good to get things off our chest but as believers we need to be wise about who we seek out for council.  If we truly want to do the right thing which usually requires some self-sacrifice , then we will find Godly council from those we can trust to speak truth to us in love. Most people are not looking for truth they just want to vent and feel the satisfaction of someone else saying you are justified in your thinking. What we need is to examine our hearts and motives and seek God's face to help us move in the right direction. 

Birds of a feather that flock together should look like doves. The dove representing the holy spirit resting on us. If I am going to stick beside someone or a group then it better be with people who love me and foremost love the Lord. Do not settle for temporary gratification that will hold you back, but rather go for the truth so that your wisdom will increase and so will your life. Temporary solutions always cost you more in the long run. There are a lot of good looking birds out there but only on the surface. Seek after the ones that have inner beauty , they are worthy of sticking to.

Spiritual meaning of the color green

Green is and always has been my favorite color. I have always been drawn to the forest. I feel relaxed and at home in the midst of all the plants.

I chose to research the spiritual meaning of the color green and it made me smile.

Praise, Eternal Life, Vigor, Prosperity, Mercy, Restoration, Health, Healing, New Beginnings, Freshness, God's Holy Seed, Harvest, Sowing and Reaping, Immortality, Fresh Oil, New Life, Joy and Hope.

Wow no wonder it is such a comforting color. So inviting and warm. Some of the references are Romans 12:2 , Psalms 23:2, Genesis 1:30, Luke 23:31, Revelations 22:2, Psalms 92: 4

If I could imagine heaven i would see lots and lots of green. The next time you plant something green remember the spiritual meaning. It just might serve as a source of inspiration to you and others. 

One final note Plant a tree. Giving back to our earth is a way to honor God and we have a lot of green that is missing due to our imbalance of taking with out giving back.Give a little bit of your love to Green.

Spiritual meaning of the color orange

I love all the symbolism in the Bible. Today as I was looking at this picture I wondered what the color orange means spiritually.

This is what I found about the color orange.

Praise, Passion, Power, Fire, Harvest, Fruitfulness, Joy, and Warfare.

Praise is one of my favorite things to do. Lift up my heart to the Lord in everything I do.

Passion is a driving force of life, with out passion we are not motivated to produce ,or to love, forgive or give to others. 

Power means that you have learned to use wisely all that you have been given for the glory of God.

Fire- heat light, spark.
Harvest, everything that you have put effort to has now come into season.
Fruitfulness, evidence of your faith.
Joy, that inner knowing and peace that says it is well with my soul
Warfare, the power of our prayers and acts of obedience, that brings victory.

I like the color of orange, It reminds me of who I am in Christ. 

The Hidden Heart

I wonder how many people are hiding inside a cocoon . Some people find it necessary to hide away and to isolate themselves during a troubled time. 

The Bible is clear about guarding our hearts . We can find safety in the protective arms of the father. Our God is a loving and nurturing God that watches over us, but he is also a wise God. 

While you are safe in the cocoon God is busy teaching you and transforming you into something that will become beautiful that can soar on it's own.

Your wings will carry you to your destination, because they have been shaped and formed by God himself. Do you not know that everything grows out of the darkness and into the light. It is necessary at times to go into that hidden place of the heart and rest there. Allow God to work in you so when you are ready to fly the cocoon will no longer be needed and your inner beauty that was being developed will be seen on the outside by all. Your outer beauty is a reflection of the inner working's of God. So be at peace , rest in the Lord, and watch what transpires while you are in the cocoon. 


If you want something you never had, do something you've never done.

Don't go the way life takes you, take your life the way you want to go.

And remember you were born to live, not living because you were born.

Start small and learn to enjoy something simple , something you used to think was fun like singing in the rain. splashing in the puddle's and getting your head wet. 

Sometimes you have to define life for yourself. Sometimes nothing has to change except your perception, and attitude. Sometimes you simply must just decide. I Choose Life. And then live it.

I Call You Blessed

I believe in having a strong declaration laid before you and spoken over you daily. A reminder of who you are and what you are working towards. 

I call you Blessed and Highly Favored of the Lord, when you rise in the morning you will be filled with the Spirit of the Lord, with Knowledge and Wisdom enabling you to discern the choices you must make through out the day.

 You walk in Love, fully clothed in Peace, your Passion leads you to your Destiny, and Forgiveness is freely given as your heavenly Father forgives you.You have Joy Unspeakable and Contagious Laughter. I call you Healthy in Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Your Empathy for others causes you to be Slow to Speak, Slow to Anger and Quick to Listen. You are One with your Maker and Righteous in his Sight. You are always Seeking opportunities to Honor God by Serving your Fellow Man. You have great Favor with man because you Walk in Integrity, and Set a Standard for others to follow.You Mentor those who are in your sphere of influence.You are always Grateful and Full of Grace, you are a Life Long Learner adding Value to everyone around you. You are Respectful, and a Master at Self-Control. You are a World Changer. You Lack for no good thing because you are a Good Steward of what has been entrusted to you.You are Generous and you always put others above your own agenda. Again I call you Blessed and Highly Favored of the Lord.

You may not feel like this is you but agreeing with what God speaks about us and speaking it out, leads us on the path to becoming more like our father. Call yourself blessed.

Friday, March 8, 2013

I Thrive when I Survive

How do you measure success? What is it at the end of the day that gives you a reason to get up the next day?

As for me my whole life has been about struggle and pushing, pushing, and pushing up up up , out from under the hand of oppression, and control.

For the longest time I thought what is wrong with me that I have so many trials and struggles to overcome. Why is life so difficult?

Not until I came to know Christ did I realize that this life was  going to be something that through Christ we would have to overcome.

You and I have purpose in the struggle and each time we overcome we have learned to survive by the grace of God . I am always amazed when I get on the other side of a challenge and realize that survival happens when I thrive on allowing Christ to strengthen me. 

I thrive on knowing who I am in Christ and what I have been given access to. I thrive on knowing how loved I am , and how God values each one of his creatures.
I thrive on the gifts given to me, and on the environment I have been placed in. Not because it is perfect but because it is all I need . I thrive on the hope of tomorrow and on sharing God with others. I do not believe God wants us just to survive but rather to thrive. Thrive right where you are and be thankful for what you have. Thrive on the journey that leads to eternity. Now that is something worthy of survival. But why wait go ahead and thrive on the life you have now, this moment for it is all that has been promised to you. The picture above glows with the multitude of stars that are thriving in the sky. When we thrive we multiply, and give back. There is abundant life thriving inside the believer waiting to be seen., Don't Just Survive , Live And Thrive.