Friday, March 1, 2013

Are you a leader but do not have it down yet?

This is what it is like to be a Leader, you are always adjusting to the changing of the wind. At any given moment you could fall, you are always trying to stay focused on your center,  Or perhaps you have so much desire to lead and you are learning the application of Leadership principles takes time. 

Please Lead anyway. Some people are screaming right now nooooooo. But I tell you that if you do not start where you are and continue to learn, grow, and expand your talents, and knowledge, you cannot and will not reach your potential.

Offer what you have right where you are. I am telling you that even those who have Lead for long periods of time and have had great success are not perfect, nor can they ever be. 

Trust me you will reach other people that are at the same level of understanding as you are. They need to see someone like themselves reaching up and reaching out . Just enter in with a humble heart and a teachable spirit. Listen with the intent to understand. If the only people that could ever Lead were those who have it all together we would never have Leaders at all. 

Knowing this allows room for error and for growth with out judgement. Things are what they are . We must evaluate people and circumstances when we are trying to create specific results. These evaluations are to find our starting place so we can move to the next step. They are never to be used to lower the value of a human being . 

Today you discovered it is ok to be who you are and where you are on the scale of growth. Yea, now find out what you know and what you have to offer and go make a difference in someone else's life.


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