I am an advocate for being a life long learner. My life has been transformed by reading and listening to teaching tapes.
One of many reads that I will share with you is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Best - Selling Author, Orrin Woodward's book - Resolved 13 Resolutions for Life.
Orrin shares about our Founding Fathers such as George Washington and how their lives were built around resolves.
Their Character was formed through the intentional life style they practiced daily.
This book is designed for mentoring others and growing your own life as well. In the back of the book is a list of resolutions made by some of the most influential founders of their time. George Washington, Ben Franklin,and Jonathan Edwards. These men lead by example and to ensure their success they measured and evaluated themselves continuously .
Here is one short paragraph from the book - Washington, Franklin, and Edwards achieved lasting greatness then, not as floating buoys, but by swimming against the current. Resolving to be different, they nurtured themselves on principles, not personalities, seeking the true greatness of character, not the false friendship of fame. Author Jim Black wrote, "For most of our history, Americans placed greater stock in a man's character than in his possessions. The American dream held that, by hard work and self-discipline we could achieve success. And success was not measured in material possessions alone... The common wisdom of the day taught that greed, luxury, and self- indulgence were the passions of weak character. And the frugal nature of the pioneers taught that the treasures to be valued most were the virtues of honesty, good character, and moral strength."
Covey describes America's founding success literature similarly, writing, " The first 150 years or so focused on what could be called the Character Ethic as the foundation of success- things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, and the Golden Rule".
The book is a powerful tool to introduce these principles back into society. Young adults and teens could greatly benefit, and launch themselves to new heights from applying these truths.
This is a must read. This book is available at the life business sight listed under Books and Tapes at the top of this page. . Be sure to use the order No. 61277069 Great addition to your Library.
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