Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Family First

I have met many people that come to the saving knowledge of Christ and jealously spend every moment serving others at the expense of their own family. 

Many women come to Christ and return home to a family that does not care to devote their lives to Christ or the Church.

It is so easy to become discouraged when you see family's that are living on purpose and serving together with the same goals.

Please let me encourage you. You are right where God wants you, in this environment you are the light. You will bring light into a dark place , not by your preaching at them, and not by spending all of your time serving your community and Church. Your family is just as valuable as any other. No one can express the Love of God to family like you can.

We can serve the Lord right where we are. Praying in our private time, loving the way Christ loves, serving your spouse and children. If you do not do it their view of Christ becomes distorted and they can become resentful.

There are ways to serve without compromising the family responsibility. I know there are situations that arise that require us to separate , but this is a time to evaluate and adjust with the intention of reconciliation.

There are always exceptions to the rule but I see people walking away and giving up simply because it cost them more than they are willing to pay.

1 Timothy 5:8 Whoever does not care for his own relatives, especially his own family members, has turned against the faith  and is worse than someone who does not believe in God.

That is a strong statement. When family has need and we ignore it we cannot expect the favor of God to be on our works for others. God is a God of order and family is first on the list after God himself.

Your family is your highest calling, it is your ministry. You are not responsible for the outcome just to live what you believe.

This does not mean that you support a life style of sin we must set boundaries, we set the example and do not enable others to do wrong. Allow them to make their own choices but also allow them to pay the price for their choices.

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