Friday, May 31, 2013

Take A Second Look

I love this outlook. Sometimes things are broken to the point it is to much to try to fix them. But what if you have a new perspective , knowledge and wisdom that will allow you to rebuild something that is different than you ever did before. 

Maybe you learned from your mistakes, and now you are ready to create something on purpose that adds value to life.

This outlook brings hope to us all, and when we have done all we can then stepping back and making a new plan could be the answer .

It amazes me to know that how I define things can make or break the circumstance. I never give up but I know the value of pulling back to stop the downward spiral of negative energy, and evaluating , in order to move forward. 

Today Choose Life by Starting fresh and creating something better.

Averie Cooks » Homemade Peanut Butter

Averie Cooks » Homemade Peanut Butter    I love this idea of homemade peanut butter and the reciepes to go with it. Enjoy. Choose Life today with natural, easy peanut butter.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Orange Apple Sauce

So today I took a 1 lb. bag of carrots slow cooked them in a crock pot until tender, somewhat firm. Put carrots into the food processor, added ginger, cinnamon, basil, apple-cider vinegar, and honey. Pureed like apple sauce , and it was delicious. 

Grandkids loved it.

Today I choose life by eating my carrots.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Word In Time

I just came in from the field working the garden , I took a shower and sat down to read the word and opened to Proverbs 12:11

, He who tills his land shall be satisfied with bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits is lacking in sense and is without understanding,

Somehow this made the kinked up neck , soar muscles, and pounding head all worth while. 

I Choose Life today, by working the Land. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What A Difference

I thought this was a great way to restore balance to the cities in the U.S.

Each yard has a vegetable garden, and the neighbors consult with one another to see what they will grow. 

Talk about taking back control of our food sources. 

Not to mention building relationships, saving on gas , going to the grocery store, and how about what it does for the environment, or the economy. 

This weekend I spent putting in 3 gardens and prayed over it for God's blessing to make it fruitful and multiply.

It is time for us to choose life in the form of growing our own food. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

I know your Spirit

Never Forget

A moment of prayer and blessings being sent to all that where forever changed on 911, we send our prayers to you in belief that God touches the lives of those who seek Him. His word is set in stone, and we stand on that word as we build our lives for His greater purpose. 

The word of God teaches us that if we build on anything other than the Word of God the things we build will not stand. 

The principles of God create and support life. For the United States Of America, may we rise up to the standard once set for us in God's Word and the constitution of the United States .

Life is a choice we make daily, and setting standards that support it gives us boundaries that keep us safe and prosperous. 

Today may we live by those principles , that our founding Fathers built on. Blessing and honor to you and yours , and may we never forget that life is a choice.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Comfort for the Soldier

Psalms 23

The Lord is my Shepherd ( to feed, guide, and shield me ), I shall not lack. He makes me lie down in ( fresh, tender) green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters. He refreshes and restores my life, He leads me in the paths of righteousness ( uprightness and right standing with Him-( not for my earning it) but for His name sake. Yes, though I walk through the ( deep , sunless ) valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod ( to protect) me , Your staff to (guide) , they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my (brimming) cup runs over. Surely only goodness, and mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord ( and His presence ) shall be my dwelling place. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

1 Plus 1 =

There is a natural process to everything created to serve a purpose. trying to by pass the process by acquiring a Title without the stepping stones of growth creates a void that must be reinforced by others that in turn takes time away from their purpose. 

John Maxwell explains well the process of growth that creates a stable foundation for all.

The Law Of Process- Leadership begins with eight Characteristics.
2 Peter 1:5-11 Peter gives us a ladder to climb that leads to maturity, demonstrating that he believed in the Law of Process. Spiritual Leadership happens daily, not in a day. Peter selects choice words to describe the sequence of our process. We are to diligently add--

1) Faith - The foundation on which we grow spiritually.
2) Virtue - A Life of strong character and discipline.
3) Knowledge - An understanding of what God thinks and values.
4) Self-Control - The ability to lead oneself before leading others.
5) Perseverance - The ability to patiently stick to what is right.
6) Godliness - A Spirit- filled, Spirit- led lifestyle that reflects the Lord.
7) Brotherly Kindness - A lifestyle that is warm, relational, and caring.
8) Love  - the highest quality that enables a leader to sacrificially give to others.

Choose Life today by choosing to get into the proper process.

The Big Picture

While you are processing things in order to make a discission, think in terms of the Big Picture. Often the small things we do can lead us away from the results we are seeking after if we do not place them into the right context. 

Consider Past, Behaviors, Present Circumstances, and Future Needs.

Your choice might look like the right one to make at the moment , but how will it effect everything you are trying to accomplish ?

Zoom out of the close up circumstance to focus in on the Big Picture. 

Stepping away , and allowing time to process things and put them into proper perspective often keeps us from wasting valuable time, resources and even compromising relationships.

Choose Life today by looking at the Big Picture

Criticism is different than correction

This is powerful and often a hard pill to swallow. Every person has the same capability for good or for harm and all different degrees.

 When I look at you I see me. This helps us to have compassion for others, but it also helps us to hold one another accountable for creating Godly Character .

 I have learned to stand on my beliefs, with out wavering and often I can get tripped up when I refuse to allow people to be where they are. Excepting others where they are is valuable , but we still have to move them beyond that reality when their truth goes against the truth of God's Word. Setting your boundaries, for what is acceptable to you puts the responsibility on others for their choices. You teach when you stand on your Faith, often without ever saying a word. 

Choose Life by extending love to oneself and then see yourself in others.

Remember this criticism is different than correction.

Hold fast to Instruction

I have seen many people who pridefully refuse to except instruction, and later look back with regret.

The Word of God is good for,2 Timothy 3:16-All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, throughly equipped for every good work.

Remaining teachable is imperative if we are to grow Spiritually, and make a difference in this world.

I do not automatically receive whatever is given to me, but rather I look at the entirety of the situation, and see how it lines up with the Word of God. I will remain open to what you share with me, but unless it lines up with what i know as truth in the Word of God I will release the negative input and hold fast to the truth.

Choose life and hold fast to Biblical instruction.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What a peaceful sound.

I love soft beautiful music , it brings peace and stillness. It allows us to let go and relax. No thinking, just pure enjoyment.

When we reach our place of rest we can hear the Spirit of God .

I often will seek time apart just to listen for that still small voice speaking between the lines.

Hope you enjoy.

Soaked and laughing out loud.

Today I was mowing the field and it started to downpour this really cold rain. I was so cold and ringing wet in minutes , but I started to laugh and praised God for his goodness. There is something so special about nature and how God speaks to us through it. That rain was such a blessing to me and God's way of showing me He cares about the simple things. This video is just to inspire you to get out doors and experience God in a different way,  Enjoy. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Do you need a Hug? Give a Hug

Black Pepper

I love Black Pepper I use it on everything.

Define Princess.

I was thinking today about how some of our young lady's are told that they are little princesses and the implications of that title were a bit vague. I am a stickler for defining things when you place a title on someone or thing. 

The portrait painted in the cartoons of our princesses favor the beauty and delicate side of females. The flowers , tea, clothes and all the accessaries. 

The world seems to focus on the exterior  things that we can admire with the eye. Things that are on the outside are things we can put on. In other words ,they can consistently change. We can pretend to be something we are not just by putting on errs and dressing the part. 

I believe in the Kingdom of God all of His daughters are royalty. A princess in the kingdom is shaped and formed on the inside, and the exterior reflects that image. 

The Characteristics of a princess are ( Galatians 5:22 ) - But the fruit of the Holy Spirit the work which His presence within accomplishes is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Meekness, Humility,and Self-Control.

In the world we live in today these Character quality's are rarely valued , and if they are it is self serving. Most people like these standards and expect others to abide by them but do not do the work of self - examination to see if they are themselves operating under the same guidelines as they expect others to. 

A true princess will love and respect , and be content with what she has with out complaint. Her inner beauty causes everything on the outside of her to shine . This light is the true reflection of God's little princess. ( Precious in His sight ).

When the unexpected happens

The unexpected happens and when it does our daily living routines can get out of focus. It is ok . You do not have to become discouraged , you simply refocus and adjust where needed and pick-up from where you left off.

Often people will become so discouraged thinking they do not want to start over, but if your thoughts focus on what you accomplished already , and plan your next steps , it can become a motivation for raising the bar and striving for even more.

In reality every day is a new beginning. We are not promised tomorrow so if we can focus in on the moment by moment accomplishments, everyday can be something we accomplished for good. I have learned that the more I hold on to things , the more they seem to slip out of my control. Dedicating your day to living at your highest for God is more than enough. We can rest in the fact that Jesus died so we could have an abundant life. Peace of mind and a restful soul are things worthy of striving for, but God's word tells us that in Christ all we have to do is put it on. We Choose to be content, Happy, and at peace.

If you have had an unexpected event that through you off coarse , breath, breath, and breath again, remind yourself that things are not the goal of your life. Every situation serves as an opportunity to make ourselves  
better. Focus on what you have and adjust. Pray and have a grateful heart. God is good and so is life.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dave Ramsey

Finances are as much a part of our lives as the air we breath. Lets learn to use it in a healthy way.

Good to know

Example National Garden Association.

This is a very educational sight to help you get started with your garden and sustainable living. Getting started can seem a bit daunting without the proper information, but there are so many sights out there to help you on this journey. Start small and build. 

You will soon see the value of becoming self sufficient, and the benefit is far reaching. This is a great way to build community in your neighborhood. 

Getting everyone involved in the learning, and the doing of a community garden changes lives and relationships, as well as our environment. together we can restore healthy balanced living. 

Choose Life 

Hands Off

Today as with everyday they are full of teachable moments. My grandchildren age 5 twins, where playing and the boy was running his car over his sister's legs. This obviously annoyed her as I heard her crying. 

The lesson taught today was one of respecting people's body and personal space. I told my granddaughter it was up to her to communicate with people when they do things to her that she does not like .

 If she asks nicely and tells the person to please not touch her, and they continue then she is to tell an adult. As for my grandson, he was made aware that if ask not to touch someone he needs to move away and respect their wishes. We had a trial run through, and I then stated the consequences if either of them did not respect someone Else's wishes pertaining to touching them. The lesson went both ways, and they clearly understood. Now we will see if they remember. 


Today I made a pitcher with water, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper,and honey.

Great for so many things.

You no what they say about an apple a day.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Double , Portions

So as I was walking back to my house this morning and  I can see the entire 16 acres of our property from the road.  When I looked up this is what I saw . A double rainbow stretching from the back of the property to the front. So blessed. This is a picture of a double rainbow but not of the one I saw this morning. 

I take this as a sign of God's promises and blessings He has in store for my family. Double portions given back to you for all that the enemy has stolen.

Thank You Lord

From Consumption to Production.

Life requires a balance between give and take and this world we have consumed, far more than we have given back. It is so easy to plant in pots or straight in the ground. And the value added to our health and to the environment will make a huge difference for the next generation.

As for me I want to experience clean , healthy, balanced living.

If you have never grown anything before there are so many sights to help you along the way.

Start small and build from there. Plant, Plant, Plant.

WWW.Garden .Org.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

In Memory of my Mother in Heaven, and the Spiritual Mother here on Earth.

Happy Mothers day to all of you . In my opinion Mothers should be honored everyday . My mother is in Heaven and greatly missed, but our God supplied me with another mother figure who, blesses me with her beautiful spirit, and teaches me the art of grace, and serventhood. To honor my mother in Heaven, I love you Mom , and for my Spiritual Mother here with me I am Blessed to know you. (Katie). I am grateful for our friendship, you were a gift to me from God. I love you with all of my heart. Thank You .Love Crystal

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wealthy or just rich?

A right heart is one that knows the value and the difference between being rich which are entirely focused on accumulating money, and one who lives a balanced life spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, intellectually, and socially. Living a balanced life creates a steadfast heart that focuses on honoring God not on the gain.

 All that you acquire in life  will become a source and a way of giving back. A truly wealthy person is the one who can say it is well with my soul, and releases all gain back to God for the good of others.

 Money can not do all of that. If becoming rich is your highest goal in life it will soon lead you to discovering it is not enough . That is an insatiable appetite never to be satisfied. A futile life style for sure. Choose life and choose to be wealthy. Prayer request is God create in me a pure heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. One that is content with being a good steward of what has been given to me, and one that freely returns everything back to the one who so freely gave it to me. Amen

Choose your attitude first thing in the morning

Starting the day on my knees with a grateful  heart , one that is humble , and dependent upon my God helps me to choose my attitude towards the day right from the moment I wake from slumber. It is empowering to know that the outcome of my day wether good or bad is completely in my control. Even though the things of the world might influence me they do not have to define who I choose to be. 


Becomming successful, when it is all said and done will require us to stand on our principles and values with out compromise , but we must learn to adapt to the people and environment we are placed in if we are to have an influence in this world.

 Becoming so rigid in your belief that you can no longer communicate outside that sphere really is a waste of knowledge and skill.

 God gives us the ability to grow and learn in order to shine a light on the path leading to, destruction for those who are lost. If we never go into the dirt , or the forest nothing will change.

 It takes grace to hold tight to your standards yet allow others to be where they are and show them a better way. Standing without compromise creates friction, but it is when we are exposed to new environments with consistency that we see the change we desire. Learn to stand on your foundation, but learn to adapt to where you are at. A tree stands strong but bends in the face of the wind. It only makes the tree stronger for it;s roots go deeper. 

Choose life and adapt.

Whoooo, Whoooo, Whoooo.

Whoooo, Whoooo, Whoooo, is in control of me today, 

and Whoooo, Whoooo, Whooo, do I need to impress. 

 Whoooo, Whoooo, Whoooo, will judge me,

 Whoooo, Whooooo, Whooooo, will I fear. 

Somehow in our insecurity and our lack of direction we get caught up in the world of choosing based off of others opinions, and our need for, relationship, and other forms of control.

You be in control by creating the environment in your own mind that does not worry about limiting self according to outside influences. At some point in your life the Whoooo, Whoooo, Whoooo, should be Youuuu, Youuuuu, Youuuuu.

Mirror , Mirror what do I see?

Mirror, Mirror what do I see when I look at you I see a reflection of me.

Everyone has the same ability to express themselves in a positive light or an ugly one. What bothers us about others we are capable of doing ourselves. I think that God designed things that way to keep us humble, and to help us measure and evaluate ourselves. 

Mirror, Mirror what do I see when I look at you I see a reflection of me.

If you do not like what you see , use this as an opportunity to adjust yourself. Not always easy I will  be the first to admit, but admitting your present state of mind is the first step to raising your state of mind.  I choose Life is all about choosing to take the high road. When in doubt look in their face and see your reflection. And then step it up.

Friday, May 10, 2013


On those days where you no what to do, but the temptations are strong enough to do as you like it helps me to remember who I am , what I believe and take in the beauty of God's creation. Somehow I can let go of whatever had a hold on me.

Green Tea


Good morning Deni, Isn't this picture fabulous? I love all of the ways we can create . This makes me smile I hope it does the same for you. 

My little morning devotion , When you look to God, you call to Him. You turn to Him and away from people and circumstances, You seek Him, You wait upon and for Him. You meditate upon Him and His Word. Psalms 34:5 - Tells us that they looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed. Look to Him, Daughter of God, Let go of your shame in the presence of His radiance and His glory. Let us behold Him. 

Wow I doubt that they will ever find a beauty product that could make you radiant. God's Word makes us glow from the inside out.

So for my exercise program At 6:00 am. I walk to the end of my road and back , it takes about 45 mins. I would like to start with 3 days a week working out on the total gym and the bike. I will start with eight reps for each exercise and build by adding one a day . I run with my Grandchildren , and I have the insanity work out. I can only do short reps with that right now. I am open to any suggestions you may have. 

I am so excited to do this and I do have challenges with my muscles that makes it easy to get discouraged. I will track my progress, and I will be very honest with you because I want to push through this limitation. I will pray for grace and strength from God, and if you would I would love for you to add me to your prayers. 

You are very lovely inside and out, and I really do appreciate you taking the time to invest in me. Blessing to you and your family my dear.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I personally buy Lifeway low fat Kefir. It contains 10 live and active cultures plus ProBoost. It contains lactobacillus reuteri and bifidobacterium lactis, both powerful probiotic strains, clinically shown to support digestive health and enhance immunity.

Healthy immune systems keep disease at bay.

As I remember you

In the past I really never considered how much people meant to me. It just was not something I pondered on. But now as I have learned the value of life and people I am quick to thank the Lord for those he has put into my path.

I am truly blessed and thankful for all of you.

Praying for you to become all that the Lord designed you to be. Have a Blessed day.

What ever seed is in your mind will grow

Whats in your Hand?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Take this upon you.

It's your turn to ask me about your troubles.

I love to coach and inspire people and today's post I would like to ask you what you are struggling with and how can I help? 

Please leave me your comments and I will respond.

Often we just need to hear things from a different perspective from someone outside the circumstances. 

Seek and Yea shall find, knock and the door will be open. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Acclimate yourself

I absolutely love beautiful things. 

However, life has taught 

 1.Never live above my means.

2.I must be content with what I have before I can expect to be given more.

3. Learn to acclimate myself to any situation, or place.

4. Be willing to share

5. Learn to let go of the need for things

6. Focus on others needs and desires and my own fade away.

I still love , love , love beautiful things but I set my boundaries .

Simple Root Cellar

You give this it's proper name

Every person gets to interpret life , so for me this picture represents, Pure Love

How Great Thou Art,( Indeed )

If you have a relationship with the Lord at some point this must have been the cry of your heart.

Lord How Great Thou Art.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Spiritual Warfare

There really is no place for not being prepared when you are called of God to stand your ground , watching for the enemy's tactics. When you arise in the morning put on the full armor of God.

Ephesians 6:10-12- 14 -In conclusion, be  strong in the Lord ( be empowered through your union with Him ) ; draw your strength from Him ( that strength from which His boundless might provides ). Put on God's full armor ( the armor of a heavy armed  soldier which God supplies ). that you may be able successfully to stand up against ( all ) the strategies and the deceits of the devil. Stand therefore (hold your ground ), having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God. And having shod your feet in preparation  ( to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news) of the gospel of peace.Lift up over all the (covering 0 shield of saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked (one). And take the helmet of salvation and the sword that the Spirit wields, which is the Word of God. Pray at all times ( on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all manner of prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance; interceding in behalf of all the saints ( God's consecrated people). 

Fully Loaded

Wow this is one power house juice for your health. Kale, cucumbers, green apple, and I add lemon and oranges. I always put some ginger, and any other spice so I can get them into my diet.

Cinnamon, Sage,, whatever you like. Add some omega oils , protein powder, banana, chocolate, oatmeal, and yogurt, and you are fully loaded and fueled for the day .

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Is He ?

Tell me that you love me

They said to you

We need beeeeeeees

Merciful God

Father you are a merciful God , full of grace. Your plans are not always spelled out before us, and sometimes we do not understand, but I trust in you and all your ways. You are the Great I am, The wonderful counselor who knows all things. Lord this is your beautiful creation, that has already brought forth life in abundance , and she has changed so many lives for the good. I thank you for her Father and for your great plans. I pray in the name of our Lord Jesus that you bring rest and peace to the family and comfort baby Faith as she fights on. You are good, you are faithful and we are thankful. We trust in the glory of your name and the purpose behind all things. Father help us this day to stand strong and watch you while you do what only you can. Thank you for your continued prayers Amen.

Did you get sucked in?

A friend posted this on facebook today, and the words are so powerful I wanted to speak about it. 

Have you ever despised someone's actions so much that when you looked back you realized that their negative power sucked you in. 

It scares me at times what we are all capable of when we entertain our thoughts .

Our need to be right, or to justify our actions, or perhaps just to feel needed, can bring us to focus on things other than what brings life. 

Hate is a poison that we inflict on ourselves. Hate can fuel you for long periods of time , and one day you wake up and realize that all that energy sucked the life out of you , not your enemy.  If you find you are not strong enough to stand in the face of low negative energy without it effecting you, then remove yourself so you can refocus . Fill your heart and mind with loving thoughts. Thoughts that allow room for fault, and room for growth and release it into the atmosphere. I choose life, I choose Jesus.