Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Throw Down Challenge

Hello friends I have been listening to all of you on Face book and on Twitter and I would like to share something I feel is of great value . Sometimes we have areas of our lives that if we just had someone to bounce things off of , someone who will listen with compassion and empathy. Someone who has lived through some hard trials of Life and overcome. If that person could smile and help you discover yourself at a deeper level, would that be something you would search for.?

Valuable wisdom is worth seeking after but receiving it from someone that has a heart to see you succeed and genuinely wants to help can be the blessing you have been waiting for. Let me ask you some thought provoking questions. My intention is for you to ponder over yourself in a way that you become aware of your needs and you start to get excited about the possibilities for your life.

Question No. 1- What do you believe about life. What is your view of the World? Do your choices in life support your beliefs? What do you value and how do you insure that those values are consistently practiced?  Do you find that your frustrated more often than not and feel out of control? Does it feel like you never have enough time to accomplish everything on your to do list? Is money always an issue for you, or do you struggle with just trying to live a healthy balanced life . If you are honest you could have strained relationships, and your communication skills are in need of fine tuning. All of these areas are common to us all and some people struggle more than others. I for one floundered in all areas until i became a life long learner. This simply means that I intentionally sought after wisdom that could change my life. I read every thing I could get my hands on , listened to every teaching tape on every subject possible.

Why -  Because I believe that when you read you discipline yourself and the education you receive is something that will carry with you for life and it is the one thing no one can take from you.
Empowering yourself through reading allowed me to become a writer myself. I learned how to live an abundant fulfilling life with or without things. Circumstances do not dictate my happiness, and peace of mind. The Life Business is all about giving you the best gift of all. The gift of reading. But not just any reading. World class entrepreneurs that cover every part of our walk of life. They share wisdom, practical application, testimonies, stories that inspire others, and down right fun. Knowledge is key to survival, but having people to take the journey with you , people you can talk to and relate with, that is hard to find. i am going to throw down a challenge to you. If you pick it up it will change you.

I will start to explore some of the books in the life business with you so you can see for yourself how valuable these life giving tools really are. I will let the wisdom and instruction speak for themselves. When you are ready for more come join the millions of people that have taken the challenge to grow and empower themselves and to become everything they were created to be.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Press In and Press On

  1. Perseverance The Bible speaks of perseverance using words like,
  2. Patience
  3. Persistence,
  4. Diligence,
  5.  Endurance
  6.  and Pressing On.

In our Lives there are people and circumstances that cause us to stumble and sometimes to fall. 

Getting back up can be a daunting task,unless you realize that every time you get back up you are one step closer to your destination and stronger than you where before you started.

Covering yourself in prayer and remembering all the times God has been there for you will restore your stable mind. Not being Patient causes us to trip ourselves up and we usually struggle to stay motivated to continue on. Living Life with purpose and passion can keep us motivated and inspired to the point that we love the challenge and as John Maxwell states we can learn to fall forward.  If you are going to fall at least fall in the forward position. Understand that persistence is imperative to gain ground, it means that despite the struggles you have chosen to dedicate yourself to the process. 

I love how nature teaches us lessons for life. A baby giraffe will try to get up on it's four legs and the mother will go to it and knock it back down. They repeat this process over and over because the mother knows that  without strong legs the giraffe will not be able to carry it's own weight.

How often have we as parents kept our children weak and set them up for failure in life because we did not do the hard things that build character, and stamina, persistence, strength and longevity ?

Perseverance means you are aware that every step you take forward or back adds to the end result. Just keep going. Strength is repetition in motion.

What me have an Enemy?

What is an Enemy? Someone that brings harm to you verbally, physically, emotionally, financially, or has harmed a family member or a friend.

What a paradigm shift we must make in our minds in order to see value in each person despite what they do or say. 

I wonder how my enemy would respond to me if I where to ask how I could help them, or bring them small gifts. At first it would be difficult for them to let go of there hold on you. You might not think they have a hold on you but if you react to their negative behavior towards you in reality they got Ya. 

People cannot resist love for long and you eventually where down their defenses. Find what they are in need of and be that for them.

Love comes in many forms and you can shape it any way that is needed. Choose to never have an enemy. If you did something to cause the breach ask for forgiveness and make an intentional effort repeatedly to open the door of communication. ( PRIDE) is not an option. 

Go With The Flow

Aaaahhhh, that great feeling when you choose to let go and allow life to be whatever it is'

 ( And You Are ok With It.)

Go with the flow is not about compromise, or lowering your standards, it just means that when you cannot bring change to a situation stepping back and learning the art of allowing gives you space to learn and share and relax as you journey with others into the unknown.

Going with the flow means you have let go of resistance , the waters are smoother and often someone else is in control.

Let it Flow , Let It Flow, Let it Flow .

In The Still Of The Night

Silence, it has a sound all of it's own. The breath you breath rising and falling. The thoughts that parade through your mind telling you everything you need to fear, or everything you need to do. 

But in the still of the night there is a sound like no other that speaks to your heart if you learn to listen. 

Like your own personal story being laid before you so you can examine it . 

That voice that says I love you with an ever lasting love. I have good things in store for you. Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be open to you. I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you. 

Silence is that place that some people do not like to visit, but it is a place for you and I to listen to the heart of God. I have grown to cherish the silence, for it is there that I realize I am not alone.

Welcome Holy Spirit.

Welcoming the Holy Spirit into my day is like saying it is ok to breath. It is like opening the door to a Spring day. It is like being full of God confidence that allows peace of mind.

It enables me to utter the words It is well with my Soul. A blanket of warmth and a cool breeze. Welcome Holy Spirit come sit awhile and talk to me.

Welcoming the Holy Spirit that lives inside of me releases fear, releases resistance, releases, doubt.
It releases the Life energy needed to give back to the very one that gave it to me.

Dare to dream

  1. Having the desire to do something bigger than yourself.
  2. Prepare yourself ahead of time so that when opportunity comes you will be ready and waiting.
  3. Do not wait on perfect circumstances or the opportunity may pass you buy. Do whatever it is right where you are and continue to expand .
  4. Share your dream with people who can help make it come true even if it is just by encouraging you. 
  5. If others are interested in your dream seek after commitment.
  6. Be aware of what your dream will cost in time , energy, and resources.
  7. Start setting your goals, small and attainable.
  8. Be sure to measure the outcome of your steps.
  9. Clarify expectations.
  10. Your dreams become reality the moment you choose to act on them.
  11. For resources on expanding dreams see the life business on the front page and prepare yourself for greatness.


Are you experiencing the effects of a toxic thought life? If so you are contaminated and you are contaminating others as well.

Contaminated - Defined, To make something impure from exposure to toxic or harmful things.

When we choose to view the world through a lens of negativity, we are contaminating our minds with impure thoughts. God's thoughts focus on things that are true, and pure, and things that uplift. Truthful things, and things that honor and value what the Lord honors and values. 

Detoxing requires us to cast off the old way of thinking, the thoughts that rob us and others of life and joy. Renew your mind daily until it becomes a part of who you are. This is the process that leads to transformation. You may perceive things correctly but if your thoughts and feelings cause you and others to stumble I have to ask how is that serving you? 

If you would like to explore books that can teach you new ways to empower your thought Life go to the Life coaching books on the front page and explore the Life Buisness, You will be blessed with Life changing information and how to application. Good Luck .

Family First

I have met many people that come to the saving knowledge of Christ and jealously spend every moment serving others at the expense of their own family. 

Many women come to Christ and return home to a family that does not care to devote their lives to Christ or the Church.

It is so easy to become discouraged when you see family's that are living on purpose and serving together with the same goals.

Please let me encourage you. You are right where God wants you, in this environment you are the light. You will bring light into a dark place , not by your preaching at them, and not by spending all of your time serving your community and Church. Your family is just as valuable as any other. No one can express the Love of God to family like you can.

We can serve the Lord right where we are. Praying in our private time, loving the way Christ loves, serving your spouse and children. If you do not do it their view of Christ becomes distorted and they can become resentful.

There are ways to serve without compromising the family responsibility. I know there are situations that arise that require us to separate , but this is a time to evaluate and adjust with the intention of reconciliation.

There are always exceptions to the rule but I see people walking away and giving up simply because it cost them more than they are willing to pay.

1 Timothy 5:8 Whoever does not care for his own relatives, especially his own family members, has turned against the faith  and is worse than someone who does not believe in God.

That is a strong statement. When family has need and we ignore it we cannot expect the favor of God to be on our works for others. God is a God of order and family is first on the list after God himself.

Your family is your highest calling, it is your ministry. You are not responsible for the outcome just to live what you believe.

This does not mean that you support a life style of sin we must set boundaries, we set the example and do not enable others to do wrong. Allow them to make their own choices but also allow them to pay the price for their choices.

Friday, February 22, 2013


How many lonely people are there in this World? We can address the people who live alone and have no friends. These people often have been abandoned or abused, and choose to isolate themselves to prevent further rejection or pain. Living this style of life becomes increasingly difficult to relate to others because your focus is on your needs.

 Often people will become bitter, feeling angry that others do not see them as someone worthy of love. Others are alone because they have no family and do not know how to start new relationships. Often people who are alone for long periods of time lose the ability to make conversation . For some the stillness becomes a source of comfort that they hold onto rather than challenge themselves to step out of their comfort zones. People can easily and quickly loose touch with reality , like everything in Life when we do not use our skills we loose them.

There are also people who choose to be alone because the world to them is a harsh ugly and frightening place.Some of these people are operating from a shame mind set. They feel so bad and insecure about themselves they cannot muster up enough energy to speak to anyone. And then there are some people who have lived hard lives that just want to be left alone. What ever the reason I do not believe we were designed to be separated from others for long extended periods of time. If you are one of those people I can tell you I have had my own reasons for loneliness , you can feel alone in the midst of a crowd or with family.

 Being misunderstood, not having good communication skills , not feeling valued or loved, or respected. The reasons are endless. For all of us we must come to realize that our needs will be met when we can step away from them and meet someone else's needs. Looking to God to meet our desires and knowing how loved and valued you are by him, gives confidence and we can start to build trust. relationships require a great deal of attention mostly in the form of listening, and in acts of service. The story we tell ourselves and others becomes the path to our destiny. Choosing to give to others the very thing you need for yourself is the first step to opening doors of possibility.

Today you can choose Life, you can choose to love and you can choose to serve. loneliness is a state of Mind before it becomes a state of being. May you receive the gift of grace granted to you by God and open yourself to someone today.

Spiritual Growth

When you confess your sins before the Lord have you acquired the habit of asking God in a generic way? Forgive my sins today Lord. God designed details for many reasons and when we become  familiar with God we can slide into that one size fits all attitude towards Life.

Self-awareness consist of keeping on top of our daily living. Assessments and journaling allow us to see how we easily slide out of the targeted zone.

How about our ability to give and receive forgiveness. Do you ever talk to God about that? I have always been able to forgive and forget but receiving anything was difficult for me. Trust was a big issue and the way I saw it if you gave to me you wanted something in return.

When I look in the mirror I want to see what God See's. I want to be free to make mistakes and grow without the fear of rejection. I want to let down all my defenses and allow things to be what ever they are. I want to grow at my pace and not someone else's. Asking friends and family questions that reveal blind spots can open opportunity for growth. Have a covenant group or an accountability partner , someone who loves you , cares about your spiritual walk. Tell the truth about who you are, ask for prayer, and support.

Does the way you live now prepare you for who you are aiming to become? Psalms32-51 can be used as a lead for your confession . 

Define the sins that we struggle with- Envy, lust, greed, anger, avoiding responsibility, gluttony, deceit,lying Look at all the ways you operate in these and make a plan how to respond differently. Define your new vocabulary, and speak the truth of who you are in Christ, 

It is one thing to be aware of sin, and even to no what to do to bring about change. I can even have a plan but I am convinced that when you are face to face with the action of sin you better be talking to yourself and reminding yourself who you are. Not I do not want to do that help me Lord, no, tell yourself the kind of person you are seeking to become and act accordingly.

If upon examination you feel yourself getting angry or putout, realize that every one battles what is on the inside of ourselves, and when you humble yourself before God he will help you to overcome. Change the way you look at the struggle of sin. Remember that growth is a huge part of daily living, it is our purpose to become more like Christ. If this is part of the plan then you can except the process and relax a bit. God certainly is aware of where you are at on the scale of Life. Remember it is ok to be where you are at but when you become aware of sin in your Life it is no longer ok to stay there. That does not mean you are perfect it just means you are on your way. 

(Remember you are the Kings child)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tree of Dreams God's wish for you.

This little animated short story gives great examples of how in our small minded dreams God will use us for his purpose and it is always greater than what we expected. Often those dreams take us far from where we thought but in the end the seeds of greatness reside in you and I and if we learn to trust our Maker our purpose will be sure. Keep dreaming your day is on the way. May God's desire for you be fulfilled. This video is wonderful for children and adults. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Follow the yellow Brick Road.

Our souls journey takes us on a path of discovery. Much like Dorothy and her friends in the wizard of oz each one was seeking after something they thought they did not have. Dorothy wanted to find her home and in the end everything she loved and needed she already had. . The Tin man wanted a heart of compassion , The Scarecrow sought after a Brain full of Wisdom, and the Lion longed for Courage. After they reached the Great and Powerful Wizard Of Oz he gave them tasks to do that helped them discover that they had what they were seeking after all along. They just needed to believe it. We are certainly on our own path and every adventure helps us to realize who we are and what we are capable of doing. Dorothy stopped to take the time to reach out to others while she sought after a path that would lead her back home. The Bible teaches us that the streets of heaven are pure Gold, like transparent glass. I wonder if when we look at ourselves in the mirror the image we see of ourselves is one of a Pure Heart, Wisdom and Courage. If not perhaps our next path should  be to follow the yellow brick road that leads to the mighty and all Powerful God. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

The beauty within

What does this picture speak of to you?

For me it says story time. A make believe place where you and I can go to share together. As we walk the path I smell the hint of Coffee brewing, and the soft fragrance of cinnamon. The lighting is welcoming us in, it says come and sit awhile with me. 

Before I enter the doors of this enchanting home I stop and gaze at the beauty around it's parameters. I just want to breath in the sights and sounds of birds singing as they have found a home befitting of their beauty. The flowers and the greenery are arranged in heights and widths and tints that captivate the on looker. I stroll around gazing with a giggle in my heart for inside me there is a voice that sings that this his a house of love.

 I cannot stand one more minute I must enter into the waiting presence that resides inside the walls of this glorious place. I open the door to a room whose walls are covered with a light wood panel, and furniture that is strong but yet the details carve out intricate curves and lines. The owner must have a store house of love and creativity to have designed such beauty. I am welcomed by a face that is weathered but the smile speaks of depth of character and a simplistic love for all of God's creation in it's many forms. The welcoming hug so gentle to the touch, not intrusive or overbearing.

 As we walk into the din I look in amazement at the shelves of books that wait for the soul to adventure into the world of possibility. I am only to willing to laps into a world of make believe and journey to a far away place where I have never been before. Suddenly I am met with a cup that invites me to stay awhile and talk to my new found friend. The one who resides within this home speaks in a soft voice and opens her heart to you about all the beauty and wonder of God's glorious designs. We share for hours and I listen with a teachable heart, for it is obvious that this women has great wisdom, and insight. As our time draws near I realize that God gave me a gift today, a gift of all that I could be. He spoke to my heart as I was leaving that inside of me lies the seed of creativity and today he allowed me to see the possibilities for my future. as you may well no this place we visited today is inside of me waiting for me to create it and bring it to life. Let not your hearts be troubled but reach inside of who God has created you to be and bring forth the beauty that resides in you. 

What is your Vision of Church?

What is your vision of a perfect Church? Is it the place that looks like you entered heaven on earth, or just a small quite little space . Some people can get caught up in the building and the routines that help them feel like they are in the presence of God. There are Churches that create such an atmosphere of Royalty, and majestic life that we feel like we are in the right place. The feelings and emotions that the music, and the beauty conjure up transport us into a different realm. I love beauty, it speaks to me of possibility, of all that we are capable of becoming. But the Churches purpose is not just to make us feel good for the time we are there. The entire truth of God's Word must be taught in a way that we leave that place and the power of his Word is translated into our daily lives as we go from place to place. The fact of Life is that for most people our daily lives take us to places that are not so beautiful. Whatever your preference is for the place you worship and learn about God be sure that you remember that the True Temple is within you . We carry the truth of who God is within us wherever we go. I love the small stillness of the forest , this is where I feel closest to God but after my Time spent there I must apply what I no to everyone God places before me. My point to you is to love the Church but do not forget the purpose behind why you go.

Don't worry be happy

IThis is the word for the day, Don't Worry be Happy. The Word of God says in Matthew 6:25 -26
Therefore I say unto you, do not worry about your Life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the Birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

All of God's creation is beautiful in his sight, and yet he tells us we are his valued treasure. If he tells us not to worry then let it be.

 remember this song that came out years back called don't worry be happy. It was so fun and made you just smile to hear it. Today let us rejoice in what we have and all the beauty surrounding us.

Joy , Joy, Joy, let your hearts be light, and pass it on.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Value the Journey

As a coach it is always a part of the process for goal setting to have an end view of your destination in mind. But since Life takes years to play out I will be continually focused on getting to the next place and finishing what I started. I have found that this becomes a waste of energy, time, resources, emotion, and focus. I have to learn to walk out every single step of this journey and doing so will produce in me a result. If I am frustrated about wanting to get quick results I can become disillusioned , dissatisfied, ungrateful, bitter and unforgiving. If I learn to live in the moment I am in giving it my full focused attention and giving my best efforts I can have something to look forward to each day. I have a purpose in every moment of my Life. How well I succeed in one moment will determine where I go in the next. Slowing down and realizing that when I arrive really does not matter but how I get there and who I become along the way does. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Let it be.

Life is full of opportunity to be in a constant state of distress and despair. We could be on the front lines in the battlefield trying to fix everything and everyone. We no that we are right and that others need to change and if we do not do something the World will collapse around us. Using every ounce of energy we can muster up we jump in with full force taking back ground lost to our enemies.

With so many battles that need to be won, how is one person suppose to carry such a heavy burden?
That is certainly the question of the day. The answer my friend is to pick your battles wisely ,no what you believe  no the roles you play, be aware of your resources, stay in balance and always live according to your principles and values. . We were not designed to carry the load that someone else is to carry. Sometimes the best answer is to step back, be still, be silent let it go and ( Let it be ).

It's coming

I love the changing seasons and all the things that happen right before our eyes even though we can not see them.

Look at winter, with it's blustery winds it's blanket of snow who would ever guess that in the middle of things around you dying there is also Life on it's way.

I love the snow with all the unique flakes having their own personality. We can not detect their beauty trying to gaze at them as one flake but when they gather together Wow what a glorious sight to behold. I remember one Winter in the evening it had just snowed a heavy snow that in the moon light looked as though it were still day time . I remember it being so silent. It was one of the most beautiful sights to behold. After the leaves fall and the branches lay bare the sight is rather gloomy and hopeless looking. Death is the absence of life. But the truth is that the trees are very much alive they have transformed into a different state. This state is one of preparation for new things to come. One of my favorite songs is the Rose By Bette Midler She brings us a glimpse of the hope to come by sharing that beneath all the cold darkness of winter lies a seed that with the love of the sun will grow t to become a beautiful rose. This is what happens to us as people as we grow we change ever so slightly , but with every change our shape is transformed and we to shall grow to become a rose in the garden of God.

What is coming is the Spring , new growth and a season to show what you have become from within.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Did I do that?

Ooooh, oooohhhh, oooohhhhh, Ouchy, Every step I take , every move I make I 'll be crying to you. So yesterday in the name of challenge I walked 5.5 miles and today I walked 7.5 miles. For some that may not be a big deal but to me Oh my word. I have health challenges that could very easily keep me from doing most activities, but i have chosen to endure the pain in order to see change. I amazed myself and the last mile I wanted to quit so bad but I told myself it is simply not an option. I told my body that I tell you what to do and not the other way around. Although my body continued to talk back to me I finished my goal. I can barely walk at the moment but I feel great that I did not give into the pain. For anyone procrastinating getting moving on any goal, once everything is in place you must decide that you have no other option, stop thinking about it and just start moving. ready, set, go. awesome you will feel great, and one foot in front of the other builds you into that strong , beautiful person that you were created to be. Go get em. remember where pain is concerned --- this to will pass.

It warms my heart.

How special it is to hear from someone that you have lost contact with. When your prayers are focused on there well being and you see all the beauty inside and out you hope against all hope that they will rise and take their place.

 I am grateful for all who have crossed my path but sometimes there is someone that touches your heart and you just want them to succeed . Most people can only focus on their greatest weakness and never realize how much they contribute to others. I pray every person can see that they are loved and valued by God and that he created you for purpose.

 May today be a day that you feel the love of God , the Divine protection he has given to you. This is the day that the Lord has made choose to be glad in it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why Bother.

Have you ever ask yourself that question before? Why bother getting dressed up , or why bother doing , the dishes, and house work, or taking bath's. Why bother with house work or yard work ?

I have found it to easy to become complacent about Life in general . Without a cause or purpose we really can just sit back and take a who cares  attitude towards Life and others.

I have wondered about the daily grind and the point to all of it. For me I realizes that we always reap what ever we sew and those daily things we do help to condition us , make us stronger, help us to become responsible people , teach us respect and how to honor and value things and people.

Getting up daily and seeking God, showering and putting on nice clothes even when you are not going anywhere builds character, builds  respect from others and makes you feel value in yourself. i have watched people that start to compromise their life styles and take the path of least resistance in every way and the results are evident to others around you. Slothful living leads to financial bankruptcy, relational bankruptcy,
as well as your health and mental and emotional states start to suffer.

I laugh when someone ask me why do you bother to make your bed , you are only going to mess it back up. or who sees it anyway?

I believe that everything is given to us by God and we are to be good stewards of what we have. I not only honor God but also myself. If anyone comes to my home I want them to feel the presence of God and the way you take care of yourself and the things you have speaks about who you are .

I always say that if what you have serves a purpose, then everything that has purpose should also have a place. If your things are always on the floor then they have not been given a place of honor and they have no value to you so they are there for trash.

Living life on purpose, is choosing to value and honor Life in all of it's forms. Today is a new day, plan your purposeful lifestyle and start living as though everything and everyone is loved and valued by God.

Thank you God for purpose it gives meaning to life, it gives us a way to be shaped and molded into your image. Your grace is sufficient for the task.

Send me your comments, I value your in-put.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Come talk to me

Finding that safe place where you can openly share your joys and sorrows. That is the environment that we are creating for you. The first step is to open the gate and come inside. Welcome my friend .

It is my desire for all to come to this sight and feel God and feel open to share grow and learn together. In this World that we live not everyone has a safe place to go to or friends that are close enough to share with . I have posted many articles to help you along your journey .I have created pictures and music and books and all things that can inspire growth and well being. Please feel free to comment on the posts I would love to share with you and encourage you as you grow.

We are on a journey to healthy living and choosing Life is the first step to overcoming .I am excited to see you are on your way and seeking after solutions to support Life.Learning to love ourselves and investing in wisdom and knowledge that God has ordained for us will lead us to a higher more balanced life. If you are seeking after more personal one on one help please feel free to sign up for Life coaching. It would be my honor and great blessing to support you as you reach for your goals . Lets start the conversation, God is with  you and he watches over you leading his children to where he wants them to be. Perhaps it is no coincidence that you have arrived here. I am praying for all of my followers because you belong to the most High God and it is my responsibility to do so. I will see you soon enjoy and be blessed.


Where two or more are gathered in his name.
As you can see in this picture two coming together that are different and unique yet together they portray a picture of beauty.

When we are trying to communicate with others we often look and speak from our view and our desires. In order to have harmony we must value what each person has to offer and choose to create something that allows each one to contribute . Sometimes contributing requires us to step back and sometimes we can add much to the equation. 

Realizing that we are all trying to meet basic human needs and each one has something to offer will help us to be humble. 

Many of us try to speak instead of listening. Try listening by writing down what others say and repeating it back to insure you have correctly understood their perspective.

When I close my eyes and describe a chair your version of that chair may be different than mine. A chair is a chair except for the details that make it unique.

My prayer for you today is to choose Life by being uniquely you but adjusting yourself to fit into the big picture. Each piece of the puzzle is needed to fly. 

Promoting others

This is short and sweet you will see that I often share other web sites and blogs that support Life. I strongly believe that coming together for a common purpose creates a better Life for us all. I do not get paid for this other than having the peace of mind that I did what I could for the betterment of all. Praise God for social media, and all the wonderful creative people who are adding so much value to the World. God is good.

Today I would like to share mind Body Green for their added value to our health.Thank You for your Services.

May God continue to bless you.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Healing Scriptures

Proverbs: 4:20-22- Says, My son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my saying's. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart, for they are Life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.

Exodus: 15: 25-26   -  And he cried unto the Lord; and the Lord showed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet. There he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them, and said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God and will do that which is right in his sight, and will give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians for I am the Lord that healeth they.

Exodus - 23:25   And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water, and I will take sickness away from them.

Psalms 30:2 -  O Lord my God, I cried unto thee and thou hast healed me.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Psalm 42:11-  Why are thou cast down, oh my soul ? and why are thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God.

Psalm 91: 1-6 9-10  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge, and my fortress: my God in him shall I trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler. and from the noisome pestilence . He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler,

thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day.: nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday because thou hast made the Lord , which is my refuge, even the most high thy habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plaque come nigh thy dwelling.He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the almighty ( whose power no foe can withstand) He will keep you safe from hidden dangers and from all deadly disease.
Because you have said , I am in the hands of the Lord, no disaster will befall you, no calamity will come upon your home.

Psalms 103:2-3 Bless the Lord , oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who foregiveth all thine iniquities: who healeth all thy diseases.

Proverbs 12:18 A reckless tongue wounds like a sword, but there is healing power in thoughtful words.

Proverbs 17:22-  A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Isaiah 53:3-5 He is despised and rejected by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and we hid as it were our faces from him, he was despised and we esteemed him not, surely he hath borne our grief , and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken , smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed.

Stand on your own two feet.

When I was in Florida on Marco Island I remember seeing the Large Mani ties floating in the water and they had these little critters all over their backs called barnacles. It reminded me of some people that find others that have worked hard to get where they are in life and they clung to them making a name for themselves by association, not because they earned the reputation.

At first glance I was a bit disgusted and had no respect for these people, but on further examination, I choose to look at it as weakness will always attach itself to something or someone stronger than itself. A mentor is someone who shares what they have learned in life and supports others.

If you are a barnacle I would suggest learning from others but do not give up your own value and worth by loosing your identity in who someone else is.

You cannot convince someone that because you are someone Else's right hand man that you are equal to them. You are equal because God made you and your value and worth comes from who you are in Christ.

Learn and grow and then let go. Become who you are ,examine your gifts and talents and let that be good enough for you. Concentrate on becoming the best at being you not riding on the wings of another. Mentors are like crutches they support you while you are in a weakened state. Crutches are meant to be a temporary stabilization system , not a permanent fixture. To many people in life and in our churches are leaning on someone else and refusing to grow and change and give out of who they have become because of the support they have been given.

I encourage you to prepare yourself to separate from the crutch and start walking on your own to feet. You are needed by others to be yourself. No one can fill your shoes, no one can be who you are. You are enough, you are unique and special and you have something of great value to add to others. It is time to get off the backs of those you follow.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to overcome life - Choose it.

For twenty-five years of my life I was a journeymen tool and die maker. When i went through my five year apprenticeship I worked with a journeymen for six months and then I would change and train with another one. All of this experience gave me the principles of doing my job from different perspectives. It would have been very difficult if not impossible to learn these skills without having someone standing along side of me showing me how and encouraging me along the way. There were tools to assess my work and blueprints that gave me the portrait of what the end result would look like. Acquiring tools was a necessary part of the process as well.

Life is no different , we all need to have an understanding behind the purpose of life and how to make wise choices along the way. I have chosen to become a life coach because of the building background I have the understanding of those principles apply to all areas of life. My own personal life experiences led me on a search to find the answers needed to move me forward and I did this by getting coached as well.

I am a life long learner and understand the problems we face daily and how sometimes we just get stuck. It is my job to help you discover the things you need to do to move and see the desired results you are seeking after.

Coaching is like having a sounding board that can pull out of you answers to your questions you been struggling with due to blind spots, or a lack of information, or weaknesses . You can be empowered after the coaching to the point that you become a coach with others. That is the process of life.

 Becoming the greatest version of yourself and being fruitful and giving back. Living a balanced successful life  requires us to be intentional, planning and measuring along the way according to our beliefs and principles. Consistency produces results and evaluated practice makes perfect.

Everyday is a new day that you can start fresh or add to what you already have , No one can hold you back from becoming something more and overcoming  your struggles. Life requires you making a choice and only you can choose life. I choose life coaching is a great opportunity to start moving and overcoming and becoming who you were intended to be. Sign up for your free evaluation to see if we are a good fit. The evaluation is to see where you are struggling to gather information about your current status , your beliefs and values, personality type and much more. The evaluation alone will bring greater understanding to you as to why you do the things you do. Change always starts with a personal assessment of self. I hope to see you soon and blessing are being sent your way as you choose Life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It's the climb

Miley has pinned it well when she sings about the climb. Some people struggle with the fact that life takes effort in order to attain health and wealth and relationships, but think of how amazing we feel when we work for things and earn them. We respect and value things so much more then when everything is handed to us. When we are aware that we must live life on purpose and push our way through we can face each day with excitement and we can challenge ourselves to try every day. those small consistent daily things we do build and lead us to strength that  we did not have the day before. That is something that adds value to you and others and has eternal purpose. Have a grateful heart that you are here participating in the growing process. Imagine how beautiful you are to God as he watches and encourages you to grow. Smile and enjoy the ride with a grateful heart. Remember this once you reach the top you will come back down and start climbing to an even higher level. Higher level produces great amounts of fruit. Reach for the sun.

Healthy Relationships

How many of the following attitudes and behaviors are present in your relationships?

Are you responsible for your own behavior and Happiness?

Is there a healthy balance between togetherness and separation?
Are you open to constructive feedback?

Humility- Are you able to let go of the need to be right?
Is there a balance in giving and receiving?

Are you tolerant with-in boundaries and are able to forgive yourself and others?
Are you willing to take risk and be vulnerable?

When you learn to have a healthy relationship you will turn around one day and find others following behind.

Are you consistent and trust worthy?
Are your rules and boundaries clear, yet allowing room for mistakes?

There are many relationships that are strained simply because we make everything about us and we forget to listen and not always have to respond. Knowing the person requires you taking time to listen ask questions and remember that they are seeking after getting needs met as well. Your view of the world is not going to be the same as everyone else, .If we make it a priority to care about others as much as we do ourselves relationships will grow and support one another. 

I say to care for others as much as self because I believe that if you do not care for self you will have nothing to offer to others. 

God values all of his creation, 

Honoring women

This post is to honor women of modesty. Modesty to me is a healthy respect for oneself and for others. Just like our behavior effects others and reveals our own character so does our outer appearance effect ourselves and others. Modesty is saying I do not have to flaunt myself in order to get attention, or to be excepted. The kind of acceptance you receive does not usually lead to healthy relationships. When a women thinks that sex is the only thing she has she will never reach her potential and she limits what she has to offer to the world. Ladies your gentle kind spirit, your gained wisdom and knowledge, in intuitiveness, your skills and talent, your discernment all of these qualities and more give and add value to this world. Your beauty stems from the inside and reflects on the outside. People will measure you by first impressions and usually you end up proving your worth beyond that point. There is so much more to you.

 God designed you for purpose and he gave us Jesus so we could reach our potential. I honor those of you who have chosen a life style that reflects inner beauty because you are the light that will illuminate into someone Else's life and bring about great and desired change. Some of you ladies may have been taught to use your sexuality to get what you want and I agree it usually works, What I will say to you is that if you were to measure and evaluate the results I bet in long run you would find that this behavior leads to other things that degrade you and cause disrespect from the men and women you are trying to impress. I challenge you to day that you can change who you are and who you want to become right now , this moment. There is a way a path that leads to life and you may choose it any time you would like, There is support and resources encouragement, and hope. to the Ladies who already are examples thank you . You are a force of energy and life that will produce a new world , one that understands we were created for so much more.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Valentines Day

Sweeeeeet, Sweeeeeet Love of mine, the chocolate candy is so Divine, it go so well with the cherry wine, Sweeeeeeet, Sweeeeeet Love of mine. Wow was that cheeeeeezy or what? Seriously a day set apart to honor and lavish the one you love is a great way to invest in your relationship.

One sure way to please is to understand your love one and what their love language is.
1) Words of Affirmation
2) Quality Time
3) Gift Giving
4) Physical Touch
5) Acts of Service

Learning to touch your spouse in the way that they feel loved is critical in hitting the Bulls Eye of your spouse's heart. Don't make the mistake of believing that the touch that brings pleasure to you will also bring pleasure to your mate.

Listening to your Spouse and responding in the way that blesses them will open doors that build trust, confidence, loyalty, memories, and stability. Every person makes choices in life motivated out of trying to meet their most basic human needs.

Basic Human needs -1) Certainty 2) Variety 3) Significance 4) Connection and Love 5) Growth 6) Contribution.

If you are aware of the motive behind the behavior you can become the person that your spouse turns to for their needs. Everyone will try to fill the voids that are not filled with something other than the way it was designed to be filled.

The most valuable gift you can give and receive is love that meets expectation.

Happy Valentines Day .

What to do when you blow it?

Oh my good word, Have you ever done something that even while you were in the middle of doing it you wanted to stop because you new it was wrong? Or perhaps you tried really hard to push through something and someone else had an expectation of you that you were unaware of and you let them down?. There are so many ways to blow it and lots of excuses that would satisfy yourself but it doesn't fix the results of your actions.

Take a breath, it will be OK, this to will pass. Just do not put so much pressure on yourself and others that you do not allow room for fault or misunderstanding. Whooooooo Wheeeeeeee. OK, now evaluate from the other persons perspective and then from yours, look at what the intended result was supposed to be and go back and fix it. Ask for forgiveness not because you intended it to happen but to clear the air so you can start fresh and begin again.

 You may need to examine your heart and motive or determine if what you were doing was worth it to start with. If you truly messed up and the outcome and expectation was clearly stated then live and learn. and most of all give yourself some slack and room to laugh. Ha, Ha, Ha, today is a new day and I choose life and I choose to be happy and full of love and joy. Let your light shine and hay get over it and on with it. You can not feel miserable enough to change the mistake so let it go. Mark it in the lesson book as I do not want to do that again, but if I do , I will try again. It is OK to be you and to create results that are productive and ones that are not. I love that how boring and mundane would life be without flavor? Smile today is your day, get up and get on your way.

Limiting Beliefs

If we are to live Life on purpose There are roots that need to be removed from our belief system. Living on purpose means you have chosen what you believe , you have a blue print for your Life, you have a set of principles and values that you use as boundaries helping you stay the course. Old mind sets that do not line up must be discarded. This requires some self evaluation and honesty.

Many of us hold on to old beliefs because we have become comfortable and have learned how to navigate threw even the things that are harmful to us. It is easier to stay in our comfort zones than to adjust to a new environment. Since we are living things in God's planetarium we can easily see that our roots grow deep, and they become entangled to the point where we can no longer produce anything of value.

We have learned only what we have been exposed to and we have acquired self- limiting beliefs.

We must identify these beliefs and replace them with thoughts, words and deeds that will add value and worth to every part of our lives.

Our limiting beliefs hold us back in ways we are unaware of at times.We have blind spots. Often other people can see those weaknesses before we do.

Choose Life and till the ground of limiting beliefs that hold you back.